crycode-de / mcp-can-boot

CAN bus bootloader for AVR microcontrollers attached to an MCP2515 CAN controller.
33 stars 12 forks source link

Works like charm! Thanks a lot! #6

Closed Nerdiyde closed 1 year ago

Nerdiyde commented 2 years ago

Hi Peter, thanks a lot for sharing this. Its exactly what I was looking for.

I'm pretty new to and CAN on AVR and Raspberry Pi. So it took me some hours to make all of this run properly.

I just thought I could contribute some of my experiences I had during the setup process. Maybe this makes it easier for others to use this.

In my environment I'm using an atmega328p and an AVR ISP MK2 for flashing. The following platformio settings worked for me

board = ATmega328P
build_flags =
  -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x7000 ; 2048 words bootloader, 0x3800 * 2

board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L

board_fuses.lfuse = 0xFF
board_fuses.hfuse = 0xD8
board_fuses.efuse = 0xFC

platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = custom
upload_port = usb
upload_flags =
    ; use "tool-avrdude-megaavr" for the atmelmegaavr platform
    stk500v2 ; avrispmkII
upload_command = avrdude $UPLOAD_FLAGS -U flash:w:$SOURCE:i

; to flash the fuses run "platformio.exe run --target fuses --environment ATmega328P_via_AVRISP_mkII"

Maybe you can/want to add it to the platformio.ini file?

Additionally I used successfully this CAN adapter on the raspberr pi: Together with the helpfull infos from your page here:

Additionally I had to update node js on my pi to version 12. For this I used NVM: Executed this script on my pi: curl -o- | bash To install nodejs 12 using this command: nvm install 12 (make sure to perform a relogin into your bash otherwise the command nvm will not be known after install of nvm)

After that I was able to follow the instructions here: to install the flash app.

Some other thing I noticed: First I tried to flash a huge hex file (about 29214 bytes). Of course this didnt fit into the flash together with the bootloader. The app on the raspi showed as error message "Flash address error! Maybe the hex file is not for this MCU type?" Maybe its possible to add here an additional hint that this could also be caused by a to large application? :)

Nevertheless, awesome tool and thanks again for sharing!

Ah btw. do you mind if I try to port the flash application to an ESP32? In my usecase I have an ESP32 on the same CAN bus together with some other AVRs and (just for in case) it would be awesome to flash the AVRs via the ESP32.

Thanks and best regards Fabian

crycode-de commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your feedback! I've added the env to the platformio.ini file and updated the "Flash address error" message in the flash application.

Feel free to fork and port the bootloader and/or the flash application to other platforms according to the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Maybe we could merge this back to this project and name it simply "CAN-Boot". 🙂

Nerdiyde commented 2 years ago

Hi, sounds good, thanks. :)

Actually I was more curious about porting the flash application. In my scenario I have several AVR MCUs and one ESP32 on the CAN Bus. (Some kind of master/slave scenario) So flashing the ESP would be easy but flashing the AVRs would really take some time. :)

Anyways, I started at the weekend to work on this and also finished the initial implementation. In my scenario it is possible to upload the hex file to the SPIFFS of the ESP32 and then flash an AVR MCU that is prepared with your bootloader and connected to the same CAN bus (of course).

I didnt do extensive testing so far but I hope it's a starting point. :) Also I'm not that experienced with building libraries (actually thats my first published library). So probably there is some room left to optimize things. Especially the reading and parsing of the hex file was a bit challenging. Also some more comments in the code and example.ino should be added.

I tried to summarize the most important information in the readme of the repo here:

If you like let me know what you think. :) Best regards Fab

crycode-de commented 2 years ago

Great idea!

I took a quick look at it. Looks good so far. :)

Think about implementing the "ping" messages, which is usefull for the bitrate-detect feature (branch bitrate-detection, see compare).

Please let me know, when you think you're done. Then I'll add a link to you repo. ;)

Nerdiyde commented 2 years ago


Thanks. :) just added the ping message impelementation. Please see it here:

Sadly I didnt had the time to test all the features yet. Especially when it comes ot read hex files and save them locally. But the basic functionality (flashing) is fine from my point of view. Alreading integrated this in my setup and used it the last days. :)

Best regards Fab