cryham / dc

OLD: Trunk of doublecmd from svn. Has my improvements and modifications on "ch-fork" branch. Listed here
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Merge changes with the upstream? #1

Open savchenko opened 5 years ago

savchenko commented 5 years ago

Just wondering if you have considered pushing (some of the) changes to the DC master?

Thank you.

cryham commented 5 years ago

If you mean my changes from ch-fork branch into official DC, then yes, I did make few Issues on DC Mantis BugTracker with my patchches like these: Basically made by user (reporter) "cryham" and with title having "[patch".

Few fixes and Multi Rename new features went into master already (or were made better way). But the majority is probably questionable by DC team. So most likely will remain as just my fork features.

savchenko commented 5 years ago is targeted for DC v1.0! Great news.

As to fFindDlg.patch, I reckon Alex needs to consider that majority of people use bright-on-dark UI colours and test with such.