cryinkfly / Autodesk-Fusion-360-for-Linux

This is a project, where I give you a way to use Autodesk Fusion 360 on Linux!
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Missing Fusion360 exe *solved* #215

Closed guestisp closed 2 years ago

guestisp commented 2 years ago

Fresh install on Ubuntu 21.04, no errors seen during the install, but as far as i can see, fusion were not installed.

find $HOME -name Fusion360.exe

return nothing

alextrical commented 2 years ago

Likewise i'm currently experiencing the same issue when installing on Fedora (tool-boxed) the closest i can see is 'FusionLauncher.exe' but that fails to launch, giving error Configuration file "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\6a0c9611291d45bb9226980209917c3d\FusionLauncher.exe.ini" is missing or incomplete Please re-install the application, and contact support if this does not resolve the problem.

JacobWarners commented 2 years ago

Same issue, I was able to get it to load and then break by altering the script and targeting my .wine instead as it seemed to have more permissions.

cryinkfly commented 2 years ago


my .wine instead as it seemed to have more permissions.

Could you describe it in more detail?

Please look here:

Noxdor commented 2 years ago

I was yesterday night participating in #216 when I realized my real problem was this issue here. I just wanted to give a quick update, because I somehow made it work. I think it was the following steps, please someone follow and confirm:

  1. Remove the current installation (delete ~/.wineprefixes/fusion360 and ~/.config/fusion360)
  2. Use the installer script from the README of this project for a fresh install.
  3. After this, I could not find a Fusion360.exe in the wineprefix. What I did find was the Installer inside the wineprefix inside the users download folder. So I tried to run it manually again. A blank window opened and not much happened, I kept it open for a few minutes hoping it would install and killed the process after.
  4. Going back to the ~/.config/fusion360/bin folder I looked into the and tried the find command in line 48 and who would have known, the Fusion360.exe is found in ~/.wineprefixes/fusion360/drive_c/Program Files/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/22651d53e422c0183a6147899471ab1dca9a3f80/Fusion360.exe!
  5. So I just try to run the Script and voila! Fusion 360 opens without any issues and runs perfectly!

I think Step 3 did the trick but I am not entirely sure. I hope someone can confirm it or get it running with this.

I am running Garuda Linux (an Arch Distro) as a reference.

joelawm commented 2 years ago

So I tried to run it manually again.

Which part did you try running again? the in .config/bin?

giusepperss95 commented 2 years ago

The real problem is related to the path of Fusion360.exe not located in the directory set in the ~/.config/fusion-360/bin/ In my case it is located in ~/.wine/drive_c/users/giuseppe/AppData/Local/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/35db4e17dc0866380bef719f73dc6d050d7760ce/. So, changing the script to the new path and deleting form it all the update commands, resolved the issue. Schermata da 2022-04-28 18-10-41 The problem I'm having now is the overlap of the Fusion 360 logo permanently overlaid on the workspace. The application is therefore unusable. I also found a consumption of 2.5 Gb of ram when the application was just opened. I don't know how to proceed!

joelawm commented 2 years ago

in my case it is located in ~/.wine/drive_c/users/giuseppe/AppData/Local/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/35db4e17dc0866380bef719f73dc6d050d7760ce/

I only have Microsfot in there for the ubuntu 21.10 install

giusepperss95 commented 2 years ago

I am on Manjaro Linux. What do you get by running find $HOME -name Fusion360.exe?

joelawm commented 2 years ago

I get nothing back which is the weird part

Kseii commented 2 years ago

I get nothing back which is the weird part

Same here. I do, however, have FusionLauncher.exe. Not sure if that's relevant though.

alextrical commented 2 years ago

I was getting the same here too. Not sure how much is related to this issue, and working in a Toolbox on Fedora Silverblue (due to it being atomic)

alextrical commented 2 years ago

As a sanity check to confirm i'm not missing something silly, these are the steps i followed:

Hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback Asus-Fedora #::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ff02::3 ip6-allhosts



sudo dnf update && sudo dnf install zenity

mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/fusion-360/bin" && cd "$HOME/.config/fusion-360/bin" && wget -N && chmod +x && bash && exit

alextrical commented 2 years ago

Just spotted an oddity while the script was installing. cd ~/.wineprefixes/fusion360/drive_c/Program\ Files/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/22651d53e422c0183a6147899471ab1dca9a3f80/ I did a ls wile the first Fusion360 install pass was running and saw 'Fusion360.exe' as there, however it dissapeared once the second pass was run.

Edit: Running the following as mentioned by @noxdor made "fusion360.exe" come back WINEPREFIX=~/.wineprefixes/fusion360 wine ~/.wineprefixes/fusion360/drive_c/users/$USER/Downloads/Fusion360installer.exe

Noxdor commented 2 years ago

Edit: Running the following as mentioned by @Noxdor made "fusion360.exe" come back WINEPREFIX=~/.wineprefixes/fusion360 wine ~/.wineprefixes/fusion360/drive_c/users/$USER/Downloads/Fusion360installer.exe

Yes this is exactly what I run, sorry for forgetting to include the command in my last comment. This brings back the "Fusion360.exe" and by that fixes (at least for me) the "" without changed it's target to ~/.wine (the default wine prefix). Running it you should be able to run Fusion360 from the extra created fusion360 wineprefix in ~/.wineprefixes/fusion360.

mcbb2001 commented 2 years ago

Edit: Running the following as mentioned by @Noxdor made "fusion360.exe" come back WINEPREFIX=~/.wineprefixes/fusion360 wine ~/.wineprefixes/fusion360/drive_c/users/$USER/Downloads/Fusion360installer.exe

Yes this is exactly what I run, sorry for forgetting to include the command in my last comment. This brings back the "Fusion360.exe" and by that fixes (at least for me) the "" without changed it's target to ~/.wine (the default wine prefix). Running it you should be able to run Fusion360 from the extra created fusion360 wineprefix in ~/.wineprefixes/fusion360.

Followed the trail to here from issue 216, however after a fresh run of the install script it did successfully update.

upon launch of the desktop file I am immediately prompted with this window: image I then ran the command to find fusion360.exe and it returned nothing, so I followed your instructions above, and it launches to a window that hangs for a few minutes. After a few minutes of letting it hang I forced it closed (maybe I should have waited but oh well) and then attempted to launch fusion360 again, to the same issue. I can get the konsole logs if needed.

spennydl commented 2 years ago

from @Noxdor :

3. After this, I could not find a Fusion360.exe in the wineprefix. What I did find was the Installer inside the wineprefix inside the users download folder. So I tried to run it manually again. A blank window opened and not much happened, I kept it open for a few minutes hoping it would install and killed the process after.

This worked for me! I did get another error and had to also install dotnet45, but I have a feeling that's either due to a bug in wine-mono or I have the wrong versions installed. Thanks for posting this!

@cryinkfly I'm curious as to why during the installation process the Fusion360Installer.exe is run twice?

alextrical commented 2 years ago

From what i can see the first install pass fails at some point and doesn't install all the required files, the second pass adds the final required files, though upon completion of the installer on the second pass, it looks like it still removes some files (notably the Fusion360.exe file).

Running it as the 'GUI' version by omitting --quiet seems to stop the installer prior to the point where it deletes the exe.

alextrical commented 2 years ago

Replacing line 219 with WINEPREFIX=$wineprefixname wine $wineprefixname/drive_c/users/$USER/Downloads/Fusion360installer.exe -p deploy -g -f log.txt & ( sleep 60 ; killall streamer.exe ) & #Kill the window after being open for one minute Looks to be able to reliably create (and keep) the Fusion360.exe file

cryinkfly commented 2 years ago


@cryinkfly Ich bin neugierig, warum die Fusion360Installer.exe während des Installationsvorgangs zweimal ausgeführt wird?

It is run twice because not everything was always installed correctly the first time.

invenibo commented 2 years ago

I am also missing the Fusion360.exe. Looking at the log file of the installer, it seems that Fusion indeed crashes at some point and then deletes the files.

2022-05-11 12:01:36,219 - MainProcess(300) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - ERROR :: Exception during processing:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1133, in execute
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1080, in execute_without_errorhandling
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 906, in _config_app
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1535, in _do_installation
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 403, in _executetasks
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\windows\", line 329, in create_launch_items
  File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.9.6\WIN64_1\lib\", line 368, in check_call
  File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.9.6\WIN64_1\lib\", line 349, in call
  File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.9.6\WIN64_1\lib\", line 951, in __init__
  File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.9.6\WIN64_1\lib\", line 1420, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] File not found
2022-05-11 12:01:36,867 - MainProcess(300) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.utils - DEBUG :: Removing the file \\?\c:\program files\autodesk\webdeploy\production\22651d53e422c0183a6147899471ab1dca9a3f80\fusion360.exe
2022-05-11 12:01:36,869 - MainProcess(300) - MainThread - adsk.dls.streamer.process.process - DEBUG :: Successfully remove \\?\c:\program files\autodesk\webdeploy\production\22651d53e422c0183a6147899471ab1dca9a3f80\fusion360.exe

I managed to keep the Fusion360.exe by using the command provided by @alextrical . However, Fusion still won't start and just shows the loading screen forever. I'm guessing, that aborting the installer this way might cause some files to be corrupted.

maximevince commented 2 years ago

Just spotted an oddity while the script was installing. cd ~/.wineprefixes/fusion360/drive_c/Program\ Files/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/22651d53e422c0183a6147899471ab1dca9a3f80/ I did a ls wile the first Fusion360 install pass was running and saw 'Fusion360.exe' as there, however it dissapeared once the second pass was run.

Edit: Running the following as mentioned by @Noxdor made "fusion360.exe" come back WINEPREFIX=~/.wineprefixes/fusion360 wine ~/.wineprefixes/fusion360/drive_c/users/$USER/Downloads/Fusion360installer.exe

This worked for me as well!

Codesmith512 commented 2 years ago

I've been trying to get this setup inside a docker container with X11 forwarding, so I just ran into this whole fiasco myself, on top of some docker related stuff with gecko.

Basically, I have to run the install script, then manually run Fusion360installer.exe so that it prompts me to download gecko, even thought its installed system wide via pacman. After it installs gecko and launches to a blank screen, I let it sit there for 90 seconds, and forceably kill it.

After that, launching the app always prompts me to update, but it launches great whether or not I choose to update. I did have to modify the update script to kill the update process after 90 seconds though.

Wish I knew why the update process dies.

cryinkfly commented 2 years ago

Please look here:

amalthomas-exe commented 2 years ago

So exactly how do we solve this bug

Satnet commented 2 years ago

I'm having this exact issue on Windows. It all started with that Fusion 360 wouldn't update. So I uninstalled it and tried to reinstall. That's when the issues came. "WinError 2 file cant be found" so I looked in the log. It's the exact same error as in this Git issue. So I reinstalled my entire PC and this issue still persists. To be honest, I've been at this for an entire day now. Exhausted and angry.

Ironic part is that Fusion 360 claims on their website that issues can be solved with their Utility tool. Problem is, that without a Fusion 360 installation, that utility don't exist and as soon as you click "OK" on the error box that appears, the installer deletes the entire installation and thus the Utility Tool is gone.

The Utility tool can be ran, as long as you don't click the "OK" error box. But since the installer is running, the Utility Tool wont don't anything. Hence a paradox.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1133, in execute
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1080, in execute_without_errorhandling
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 906, in _config_app
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 1535, in _do_installation
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\process\", line 403, in _executetasks
  File "R:\Streamer\src\adsk\dls\streamer\windows\", line 329, in create_launch_items
  File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.9.6\WIN64_1\lib\", line 368, in check_call
  File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.9.6\WIN64_1\lib\", line 349, in call
  File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.9.6\WIN64_1\lib\", line 951, in __init__
  File "E:\Jenkins\3P\PYTHON\3.9.6\WIN64_1\lib\", line 1420, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] File not found
andrewazores commented 2 years ago

If you're on Windows then you probably didn't use this project, which is for Linux only... sounds like it's just a Fusion 360 bug, so you'd need to report it to Autodesk.