cryinkfly / Autodesk-Fusion-360-for-Linux

This is a project, where I give you a way to use Autodesk Fusion 360 on Linux!
MIT License
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Flatpak installation failed #382

Closed dan21dan closed 4 months ago

dan21dan commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug I got message "Installer is not well configured." during installation

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Choose Autodesk Fusion 360 in "bottles" and try to install it
  2. After a moment you get message "Installer is not well configured"

Expected behavior No error during installation

Additional context I see in console:

19:15:21 (WARNING) Failed to download [[](] with code: 403 != 200
19:15:21 (ERROR) Failed to download Fusion 360 Admin Install.exe, or checksum failed.
alextrical commented 4 months ago

It looks like fusion 360 have renamed the Admin install file we used for Fusion 360, I also don't believe this issue is specific to the Flatpak version.


The issue has already been resolved in the main version here

Out of curiosity where did you find the code to install via Flatpak wine?

dan21dan commented 4 months ago

Thanks for connecting me to #380, it's the same case. Looking at the changes, I tried it approximately 3 hours after the script was modified. My guess: changed filename in the script probably didn't get integrated into the installer available in Bottles.

And where did I find it? I ran Bottles, created a new one, clicked on "Install application" and selected "Autodesk Fusion 360" for installation.

Apfelwurm commented 4 months ago :)

dan21dan commented 4 months ago

Thank you.

alextrical commented 4 months ago

Still needs some work to get it to a point where it lets the user login. Ive got the script setup to install WebView2 that allows the link to be opened in the default browser. Ive also managed to convert the mimetype link to go through to bottles too, though I cant see how Bottles is meant to A: Check the version of Wine is above 8.14 B: Create a .desktop file and register it as a Mimetype on the host system
