cryinkfly / Autodesk-Fusion-360-for-Linux

This is a project, where I give you a way to use Autodesk Fusion 360 on Linux!
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Preference Window won't open #417

Open lukash3003 opened 1 month ago

lukash3003 commented 1 month ago

Whenever I try to open the preference window (by clicking on my profile picture -> preferences) nothing will happen. After clicking on the button, fusion will be unresponsive and I have to kill the process.

I am using Debian 12 (stable) with wine version 9.8 Kde Plasma with xorg

lockenkop commented 1 month ago

It took about 30s-1m for it to open for me. Maybe try watiting a bit.

uatec commented 3 weeks ago

I have also replicated this. It took 30 seconds to open, and now it's not responding. (Although the resize handles appear, so SOMETHING is clearly working.

MostHated commented 2 weeks ago

I have some examples seen below. It's weird. Menu items don't like to open from the main menus, but if I go about it in a roundabout way, they open just fine. I am not sure what, if anything can even be done about this?

Here, I try to open the parameters window, which doesn't open (sometimes I randomly see something flash, like it's trying to open but then doesn't?). If I add the parameters item to the main menu as it's own item, though, it does open. fusion_menu_items.webm

Another is trying to open export/open windows with similar behavior. export_menu.webm

cpm64 commented 2 weeks ago

Same behavior confirmed KUbuntu 24.04, amdgpu open source driver, wine staging 9.8 - 9.10, Fusion360 using OpenGL driver: dialog boxes are not opened when selected from menu (eg. File -> Open or File -> Export). Workaround for "Open" : use the CTRL+O keyboard shortcut. Workaround for "Export": None as of now.

cpm64 commented 2 weeks ago

Update: not perfect but it fixes the open/export and other menu dialogs. Run winecfg for your fusion360 prefix, go to "Graphics" disable "Allow window manager to control windows".

MostHated commented 2 weeks ago

Update: not perfect but it fixes the open/export and other menu dialogs. Run winecfg for your fusion360 prefix, go to "Graphics" disable "Allow window manager to control windows".

I am about to try this, but I found I can get to most menus if I click and hold the mouse button, then don't release it until you get to the item you want to open. It doesn't work every time, but 80% of the time, I would say.

uatec commented 2 weeks ago

Update: not perfect but it fixes the open/export and other menu dialogs. Run winecfg for your fusion360 prefix, go to "Graphics" disable "Allow window manager to control windows".

Following this DOES allow the menu options to work, however pop-up windows (like the extrude dialog and 3d print dialog) cannot be clicked on; it appears that they are simply clicked through now.

Additionally, the preferences window still takes 10s of seconds to load, but it IS operable and does not hang for me any more.