cryinkfly / SOLIDWORKS-for-Linux

This is a project, where I give you a way to use SOLIDWORKS on Linux!
MIT License
370 stars 36 forks source link

Freezes on "Starting Installation Manager" #18

Open Benaiah2320 opened 2 years ago

Benaiah2320 commented 2 years ago

Run install script until solidworks install screen comes up. Window is frozen on "Starting Installation Manager". Terminal says installation is complete and exits when I press Ok. I tried commenting out the wmctrl like #17, but still nothing.

I'm on manjaro XFCE.

Any pointers? I'd love to get this running on Linux so I can spend even less time on WIndows.

(P.S. Awesome work, really glad to see something like this available)

Duedot43 commented 2 years ago

You should be able to just go to a different window and come back this is stated in the script. If that does not work either try to x out of the window and press no when it says "Would you like to quit?" That's how I used to do it. Or you could try to go into winetricks then select the solidworks wineprefix and start taskmgr.exe and try to get the would you like to quit there.

Benaiah2320 commented 2 years ago


The X button at the bottom doesn't work, and there isn't one available at the top of the window. I've tried going to a different window and coming back, even right clicking on the window in the panel and choosing "Close" does nothing.

When I try to open winetricks I get a warning that I'm using a 64 bit wineprefix, and that many verbs install a 32 bit version, and recommends testing in a 32 bit prefix, and there is no solidworks wineprefix available.


I checked the logfile, it ends with saying the installation was complete.

+ clear
+ languages
+ wget
+ chmod +x
+ clear
+ .
++ version_number=0.5
++ select-language
++ clear
++ echo 'In this step you need to choose a language for the SOLIDWORKS installation!'
++ echo -n 'Choose one of these options: (English(en), German(de) or Quit(q)'
++ read answer
++ '[' en '!=' n ']'
++ language-en_US
++ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
++ LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
++ export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
++ LANG=en_US.UTF-8
++ export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
++ text_1='In this step the following packages package >dialog< and >wmctrl< are installed for the installation of SOLIDWORKS!'
++ text_1_1='Do you wish to install these packages (y/n)?'
++ text_2='Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5'
++ text_2_1='Select your Linux distribution!'
++ text_2_2='Choose one of the following options:'
++ text_3='Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5'
++ text_3_1='If you have enabled multilib repository?'
++ text_3_2='Choose one of the following options:'
++ text_3_3=Yes
++ text_3_4=No
++ text_4='Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5'
++ text_4_1='Choose setup type!'
++ text_4_2='Choose the kind of setup that best suits your needs.'
++ text_4_3='Standard - Install SOLIDWORKS into your home folder. (/home/YOUR-USERNAME/.wineprefixes/solidworks)'
++ text_4_4='Custom - Install SOLIDWORKS to another place.'
++ text_5='Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5'
++ text_5_1='Description - Configure the installation location!'
++ text_5_2='Now you have to determine where you want to install SOLIDWORKS and then the .solidworks folder will be created for you automatically. For examlble you can install it on a external usb-drive: /run/media/user/usb-drive/wine/.solidworks or you install it into your home folder: /home/YOUR-USERNAME/.wineprefixes/solidworks).'
++ text_5_3='Enter the installation path for SOLIDWORKS:'
++ text_5_4='Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5'
++ text_6='Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5'
++ text_6_1='SOLIDWORKS is completed.'
++ text_6_2='The SOLIDWORKS installation is complete and you can now use it for your projects.'
+ check-requirement
+ echo 'In this step the following packages package >dialog< and >wmctrl< are installed for the installation of SOLIDWORKS!'
+ echo -n 'Do you wish to install these packages (y/n)?'
+ read answer
+ '[' y '!=' '' ']'
+ install-requirement
++ which apt-get
++ which dnf
++ which pacman
+ VERB=/usr/bin/pacman
+ echo Arch-based
+ sudo pacman -Sy --needed dialog wmctrl
+ wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,fullscreen
+ select-your-os
+ WIDTH=200
+ BACKTITLE='Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5'
+ TITLE='Select your Linux distribution!'
+ MENU='Choose one of the following options:'
+ OPTIONS=(1 "Arch Linux, Manjaro Linux, EndeavourOS, ..." 2 "Debian 10, MX Linux 19.4, Raspberry Pi Desktop, ..." 3 "Debian 11" 4 "Fedora 33" 5 "Fedora 34" 6 "openSUSE Leap 15.2" 7 "openSUSE Leap 15.3" 8 "openSUSE Tumbleweed" 9 "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x" 10 "Solus" 11 "Ubuntu 18.04, Linux Mint 19.x, ..." 12 "Ubuntu 20.04, Linux Mint 20.x, Pop!_OS 20.04, ..." 13 "Ubuntu 20.10" 14 "Ubuntu 21.04, Pop!_OS 21.04, ..." 15 "Void Linux" 16 "Gentoo Linux")
++ dialog --clear --backtitle 'Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5' --title 'Select your Linux distribution!' --menu 'Choose one of the following options:' 15 200 10 1 'Arch Linux, Manjaro Linux, EndeavourOS, ...' 2 'Debian 10, MX Linux 19.4, Raspberry Pi Desktop, ...' 3 'Debian 11' 4 'Fedora 33' 5 'Fedora 34' 6 'openSUSE Leap 15.2' 7 'openSUSE Leap 15.3' 8 'openSUSE Tumbleweed' 9 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x' 10 Solus 11 'Ubuntu 18.04, Linux Mint 19.x, ...' 12 'Ubuntu 20.04, Linux Mint 20.x, Pop!_OS 20.04, ...' 13 'Ubuntu 20.10' 14 'Ubuntu 21.04, Pop!_OS 21.04, ...' 15 'Void Linux' 16 'Gentoo Linux'
+ clear
+ case $CHOICE in
+ archlinux-1
+ WIDTH=60
+ BACKTITLE='Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5'
+ TITLE='If you have enabled multilib repository?'
+ MENU='Choose one of the following options:'
+ OPTIONS=(1 "$text_3_3" 2 "$text_3_4")
++ dialog --clear --backtitle 'Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5' --title 'If you have enabled multilib repository?' --menu 'Choose one of the following options:' 15 60 2 1 Yes 2 No
+ clear
+ case $CHOICE in
+ archlinux-2
+ sudo pacman -Sy --needed wine wine-mono wine_gecko winetricks p7zip curl cabextract samba ppp
+ select-your-path
+ WIDTH=200
+ BACKTITLE='Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5'
+ TITLE='Choose setup type!'
+ MENU='Choose the kind of setup that best suits your needs.'
+ OPTIONS=(1 "$text_4_3" 2 "$text_4_4")
++ dialog --clear --backtitle 'Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5' --title 'Choose setup type!' --menu 'Choose the kind of setup that best suits your needs.' 15 200 2 1 'Standard - Install SOLIDWORKS into your home folder. (/home/YOUR-USERNAME/.wineprefixes/solidworks)' 2 'Custom - Install SOLIDWORKS to another place.'
+ clear
+ case $CHOICE in
+ winetricks-standard
+ clear
+ mkdir -p /home/zsize/.wineprefixes/solidworks
+ mkdir -p /home/zsize/.wineprefixes/download/solidworks
+ cd /home/zsize/.wineprefixes/downloads/solidworks
+ wget -O Solidworks.exe
+ WINEPREFIX=/home/zsize/.wineprefixes/solidworks
+ wine Solidworks.exe
+ logfile-installation-standard
+ mkdir -p //home/zsize/.local/share/solidworks/logfiles
+ cd //home/zsize/.local/share/solidworks/logfiles
+ echo /home/zsize/.wineprefixes/solidworks/logfiles
+ program-exit
+ dialog --backtitle 'Installation of SOLIDWORKS - Version 0.5' --title 'SOLIDWORKS is completed.' --msgbox 'The SOLIDWORKS installation is complete and you can now use it for your projects.' 14 200
+ clear
+ exit
cryinkfly commented 2 years ago

Here you get also the taskmanager:


dmangal85 commented 2 years ago

I too get this error. the screen is now stuck at image

Duedot43 commented 2 years ago

I too get this error. the screen is now stuck at image

did you try the previous fixes of clicking out of it into another window then coming back?

dmangal85 commented 2 years ago

Yes I tried clicking out and back in. I am running Zorin OS latest version.

dmangal85 commented 2 years ago

I left it running overnight and no change to the above screen.

greembow commented 2 years ago

Arch Linux w/ GNOME gets the above error as well, any ideas @cryinkfly ?

cryinkfly commented 2 years ago

Sorry I haven't signed up yet. Can anybody look to this issue:

Maybe it can solved this problem also here. But I must testing this in the next time.

greembow commented 2 years ago

When I get home and can use my desktop i'll try and grab some logfiles/shell output of the problem I'm having. I think it's just a simple issue and I'm dumb and didn't do something properly.

greembow commented 2 years ago Raw console output with 0 formatting- I just removed all the clear commands from the script to get this

greembow commented 2 years ago

install-log.txt path-log.txt

Sorry it took me a minute to find those logs

ella-fyi commented 2 years ago

Same issue here with endeavourOS and KDE Plasma

greembow commented 2 years ago

Stuff I've tried:

At this point I'm not sure what to try... I'm currently running solidworks off my server using this nifty tool called winapps. I run it on an external server I built to be powerful for Moonlight streaming, but it runs CAD programs just fine. Theoretically if your system is powerful enough you could use SOLIDWORKS under a KVM using winapps, as that's how it's designed to work, but it was easier for me to just use a remote box.

Meganium97 commented 2 years ago

can confirm with manjaro & xfce

renemadeira commented 2 years ago

Hello, I was also stuck in the "starting installation manager" screen. Turns out that on line 434 of the script was not working ("WINEPREFIX=$filename sh winetricks -q corefonts vcrun2019 msxml6 dxvk win10"). It worked by removing the "sh" from the command. I was also getting a warning "MESA-INTEL: warning: Performance support disabled" that was not allowing to install vcrun2019. The warning itself gave the solution which was to run "sudo". Now it passes the screen, but you have to Ctrl+Tab or select another window and go back on any change. Some screens need to be Ctrl+Tab many times to work. There is an html error screen that is shown, and you must press Esc. Another thing that made my life easy was to put the serial numbers in the registry prior to installation. I am stuck in the server port definition now; it appears after the selection of the products to install. The buttons don’t work, and I can't pass. I already tried to define the port on the registry, but it did not work.

jlevers commented 2 years ago

Also having this issue with Manjaro and i3. Would love to get this working -- Solidworks on Linux would be amazing!