cryinkfly / SOLIDWORKS-for-Linux

This is a project, where I give you a way to use SOLIDWORKS on Linux!
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Looking to help out, SW2022 up and running! #29

Open ripxorip opened 1 year ago

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

Hi @cryinkfly , I have been spending my xmas getting sw2022 up and running on wine. Wanted to share some points/ask some questions.

I really want to contribute to get this software working as it runs really smooth on my system when it actually is working. Just want to iron out the 'final' bugs. Do you think you can point me in the right direction?

Happy new year!

cryinkfly commented 1 year ago

Hey @ripxorip , Yes, there are still some problems with the package dependencies at the moment. Because the combination of Wine and Wintricks as well as certain DLL's play an important role in the porting of SolidWorks to Linux.

Because not only "mfc140u.dl" causes such problems, but also VBA 7.x itself!

Because this version is now being used in more and more programs and it is not yet properly supported under Wine.

But it is precisely these problems that I would like to get rid of next year!

Anyway, I'm glad you're offering to help me.

There will soon be a DoDo list where you can take a look.

Otherwise, I wish you a happy new year!

Cheers Steve

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

I managed to get large assemblies working now as well, after some debugging I concluded that it actually crashed in the native msxml6.dll. I went back to the builtin msxml and now it errored out in that code instead. Managed to dump some of the memory before the crash and It mangled the attribute for some elements when writing the XML to string.

Wrote this patch for the 7.8 release which makes it work, (remove the msxml6* from winetricks obviously). msxml_7.8_patch.txt

I still have some bugs left to smash, the most prominent one seems to be that the app crashes after closing all documents and then opening new ones. Seems fine as long as there is always one document open. But I can live with that :)

Will also try to make my spacemouse play nice with Wine.

iblue commented 1 year ago

@ripxorip Could you give me a hint on how to install it? The solidworks.msi installation finishes, but doesn't produce any .exe files while the setup.exe hangs at the "Checking for client installations..." stage. I'm using wine 7.8 on Arch linux.

maikramer commented 1 year ago

Where is this msi file? Can you provide a way to download or find it?

iblue commented 1 year ago

It is swwi/data/solidworks.msi on the Solidworks DVD.

nathaneltitane commented 1 year ago

@ripxorip were you able to refresh the installer pages and options prior to getting the install done? having a hard time selecting components... in process of installing the whole 2022 premium suite. could'nt deselct items as the setup window interface was not changing or showing selections when prompted.

iblue commented 1 year ago

@nathaneltitane You can switch to another window and then back to refresh the window. At least on my machine.

nathaneltitane commented 1 year ago

@nathaneltitane You can switch to another window and then back to refresh the window. At least on my machine.

that's what I had been doing, but still no refresh for the 'change' submenu on component selections...


For anyone having the same issue with the installer: click on the little pencil, not the link!


nathaneltitane commented 1 year ago


It seems to be important to chose the right wine version, I have tried 7.22, 6.8, 8(rc2) and finally 7.8 and it is only 7.8 that works on my system (otherwise I get page faults in mfc140u.dll).

could you please provide clear steps as to how to make sure only 7.8 components are installed? manual install? apt install? package download?

Thank you

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay guys, I fixed several "bugs" to get solidworks running smooth. Made my own wine-fork with the fixes, compile that and give it a try. I just need to go through it once more and make it public. Currently some hacky debug prints all over, I based it on Wine 8 RC3 (I think). Some fixes I got upstreamed and some needs to be fixed in libxml.

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

Also, I will try to make a PR with a new bash script that I use for the install. Works reliably with my wine fork and Arch, but that shouldnt matter if you use my fork. :)

nathaneltitane commented 1 year ago

Also, I will try to make a PR with a new bash script that I use for the install. Works reliably with my wine fork and Arch, but that shouldnt matter if you use my fork. :)

cool, thanks - last question: is your install standalone or flexnet?

EDIT: @ripxorip - I've tried every combination I could of setups and none of them has worked for me. This is becoming increasingly annoying.

Are you sure 7.8 was the only way to get it in?

dzervas commented 1 year ago

@ripxorip I see that you made a PR to upstream wine. Was that the problem?

Also can you please provide your script to be able to install sw?

EDIT: I got it working by using wine-git (AUR) and winetricks -q vcrun2019 dotnet48 win10! Wow!

The msi installer did not finish though. And I have a standing issue where the pointer is not in sync with solidworks. Solidworks needs to be either fullscreen and/or in virtual desktop, otherwise the pointer is some pixels below from what I see on the screen. Maybe i3wm problem?

EDIT 2: I'm trying the normal installer to play nice and cabextract 1.10 is buggy. remain in 1.9 till 1.11 is released I installed msxml6 msxml4 msxml3 without luck but ie8 fixed a lot of bugs. I'd like to try the msxml7.8 patch of @ripxorip as it's not upstream yet, it's still applicable

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

Hi @dzervas the msxml people didnt wanna merge the PR because they thought the issue was in Wine. The WINE PR is merged. You need to press enter a few times when the installer freezes. I have been getting RSI in my fingers lately, but will try to clean up my wine fork and make it public as soon as possible. I also have a working bash script that always succeeds installing SW (and believe me many times it has been...). Just need to clean that one a bit too as my keys are there now.

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

Check the msi log when running that one standalone, will give you a hint what you need to patch.

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

Here is the patch I am using when compiling my wine fork:

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

This is the (not so clean) script I am using to setup the prefix:



mkdir -p $WINEPREFIX

mkdir tmp
cd tmp

cp ../files/VBA/ ./
cp -r vba7.1/Program*s $WINEPREFIX/drive_c
cp -r vba7.1/Program*x86* $WINEPREFIX/drive_c
cp -r vba7.1/windows $WINEPREFIX/drive_c
cd ..

winetricks dotnet48 vcrun2019 d3dcompiler_47 corefonts

cd tmp
cp ../files/VBA/vba71-kb2783832-x64.msp ./
msiexec /p vba71-kb2783832-x64.msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus /qn
cd ..

rm -rf tmp

$WINE winecfg -v win10
ripxorip commented 1 year ago

Here are the important bits of the install script:

$WINE msiexec /i _solidworks/mnt/swwi/data/solidworks.msi /L*V sw_install_log.txt
cp files/glu/glu32.dll $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program\ Files/SOLIDWORKS/
ripxorip commented 1 year ago

You need to run it in Windowed mode otherwise the pointer is off, same for me. I think it has with something to do with the compositor you are using. Im on Plasma with the same behavior.

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

I also have an alpha ready for Spacemouse integration, that was crazy hard due to all the dotnot crazyness of Solidworks. Hard to find good documentation/support from Dassault also...

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

@nathaneltitane See my gist, compile wine after checking out d059dd1cd07 (7.8) and applying that patch. The create the prefix like my previous comment.

dzervas commented 1 year ago

wooo, thank you! will test it soon!

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

No problems, hope it works for you as well!

I also plan to try to make a flatpak of my changes.

dzervas commented 1 year ago

there’s no possibility to run in a bottle right? needs the specific wine version with the patch (maybe we can use soda, lutris or wine-ge?)

dzervas commented 1 year ago

I installed the msi successfully! I’m currently working on steamdeck (I’m not at home) and I used the following: branch stable-22.08

diff --git a/org.winehq.Wine.yml b/org.winehq.Wine.yml
index 4702344..ad2be8e 100644
--- a/org.winehq.Wine.yml
+++ b/org.winehq.Wine.yml
@@ -393,9 +393,13 @@ modules:
       - UPDATE_DESKTOP_DATABASE=/bin/true
     sources: &wine-sources
-      - type: archive
-        url:
-        sha256: 0272c20938f8721ae4510afaa8b36037457dd57661e4d664231079b9e91c792e
+    #- type: archive
+      - type: git
+        url:
+        commit: d059dd1cd0770e9c63da33562f6bcba4ef52846b
+        #url:
+        #sha256: 0272c20938f8721ae4510afaa8b36037457dd57661e4d664231079b9e91c792e
         x-addons-url: &wine-addons-url >-
@@ -407,6 +411,7 @@ modules:
       - type: patch
           - patches/wine/loader-prefer-winedllpath.patch
+          - patches/wine/ripxorip_wine_patches.patch

   # 32-bit compatibility build

the file patches/wine/ripxorip_wine_patches.patch is your gist

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

Wow! Excellent, Ive got a steam deck as well, are you rebuilding the wine flatpak?

dzervas commented 1 year ago

oh yes yes, git clone, apply the patch and flatpak-builder. (side note: steam deck does not come with a flatpak builder so you'll have to install it from flatpak :joy: )

dzervas commented 1 year ago

On a side note: you can 7z x PreReqs/VBA/vba71.msi -o$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program\ Files/Common\ Files/Microsoft\ Shared/VBA/VBA7.1/

dzervas commented 1 year ago

also @ripxorip I see that you use a glu32.dll. What is it? where did you find it? Why did you need it?

I see that it lives under C:\Windows\SysWow64\glu32.dll (it's also in system32 but that's 32-bit I imagine) on a normal Windows installation. I copied it and set winecfg to native then builtin Didn't see any difference

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

On a side note: you can 7z x PreReqs/VBA/vba71.msi -o$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program\ Files/Common\ Files/Microsoft\ Shared/VBA/VBA7.1/

Great gonna try that! :)

ripxorip commented 1 year ago

also @ripxorip I see that you use a glu32.dll. What is it? where did you find it? Why did you need it?

I see that it lives under C:\Windows\SysWow64\glu32.dll (it's also in system32 but that's 32-bit I imagine) on a normal Windows installation. I copied it and set winecfg to native then builtin Didn't see any difference

GLU is needed when sketching as far I can remember.

dzervas commented 1 year ago

Welp, when I try to make any kind of curve on a sketch I get a crash from glu. I did the above but nothing worked

Where did you find your glu32.dll? is it under system32 or syswow64? I have both glu and lib32-glu linux packages installed


dzervas commented 1 year ago

AHA! Just copying C:\Windows\System32\glu32.dll from a windows installation worked! No DLL overrides needed either

CRT-HAO commented 11 months ago

I successfully installed and running using the same way on my Apple Silicon Mac with CrossOver.

截圖 2023-07-08 上午1 55 59
ripxorip commented 11 months ago

Thats so cool! :+1:

thuvasooriya commented 9 months ago

@CRT-HAO Hi, I'm also trying to do this via crossover but finding it difficult to make it work, could you please give a rundown of the steps you followed.

silikonz commented 9 months ago

#29 (comment)

@thuvasooriya If it crashes with error in concrt140.dll just set it to Native, builtin in DLL overrides in wine configuration. This fixed it for me.

thuvasooriya commented 9 months ago

#29 (comment)

@thuvasooriya If it crashes with error in concrt140.dll just set it to Native, builtin in DLL overrides in wine configuration. This fixed it for me.

Sorry I find this hard to follow, can you please point me to which steps did you follow exactly

nathaneltitane commented 8 months ago

anyone get past this dialog? did anyone manage to setup winetricks to show dialogs appropriately?


dzervas commented 8 months ago

Can't get sldIM to work properly - tried 2022 through 2024, nothing The only way to install is to do an offline download from windows and run swwi/data/solidworks.msi in wine