cryinkfly / SOLIDWORKS-for-Linux

This is a project, where I give you a way to use SOLIDWORKS on Linux!
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i3 window manager causes weird behaviour in the main window #36

Open dzervas opened 1 year ago

dzervas commented 1 year ago

While the application starts correctly, running it in i3 window manager causes weird glitches. Examples:

image Window does not get resized, while it should

image same problem but the container is bigger that the actual window

image Here my mouse is NOT on top of Performance Benchmark Test but it gets highlighted. The cursor has an offset. The window thinks it's fullscreen so if I force it to be, everything is fine, if I don't a mouse offset is introduced relative to the window location.

So if my mouse is at X:0 Y:0 (relative to the screen) and solidworks is at X:100 Y:100 it should know that the mouse is outside its window but that's not the case. When I get my mouse at X:105 Y:105 solidworks takes that value instead of X:5 Y:5 since the window is not fullscreen

All this is most probably due to window re-parenting that i3 does as @9ary suggested. For example KDE handles sw correctly (tested on SteamDeck). What I don't get is where we should fix that. Wine? i3? Solidworks (hooking, etc.)? Maybe we should somehow add some hints or change the window type to make i3 not reparent it at all or let sw know what's going on (maximized, screen positions, etc.)