cryinkfly / SOLIDWORKS-for-Linux

This is a project, where I give you a way to use SOLIDWORKS on Linux!
MIT License
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cannot access '': No such file or directory *solved* #42

Closed Amm009 closed 8 months ago

Amm009 commented 1 year ago

I barely know how to do basic coding so this might be something very simple, but this error pops up when I tried to run the command on the main page. I installed all of the packages that I could (the package manager said that it could not find winbind, p7zip-full, and p7zip-rar). Also the script releases link is broken, so if there is something in there that I need then I cannot access it. I have the installer for SolidWorks downloaded as well. This is what pops up when I try to run the command:

`cd ~/Downloads && wget -N && chmod +x && ./ --2023-06-02 21:48:50-- Loaded CA certificate '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' Resolving (,,, ... Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 27049 (26K) [text/plain] Saving to: ‘’ 100%[=========================================>] 26.42K --.-KB/s in 0.004s

Last-modified header missing -- time-stamps turned off. 2023-06-02 21:48:50 (6.93 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [27049/27049]

chmod: cannot access '': No such file or directory ` I'm guessing I should have downloaded somewhere, but I don't know where to find it.

I feel like it should put that in a code format, but it's not doing that >:(

Duedot43 commented 1 year ago

The README appears to not be updated replace in your original command with

Also when Bash says "no such file or directory" that means as it says it cannot find the file your looking for so double check that you typed the name correctly and and that the file appears when you type ls (list) which lists the contents of the current directory also don't forget that directory and file names are caps sensitive!

DeflateAwning commented 9 months ago

This issue is fixed in PR #48