cryinkfly / VCDS-VAG-COM-Diagnosis-system-for-Linux

This is a project, where I give you a way to use the VCDS-Software by Ross-Tech on Linux!
MIT License
30 stars 5 forks source link

What is the point of this? #2

Open rKsanu2MMYvypWePtQWM opened 1 year ago

rKsanu2MMYvypWePtQWM commented 1 year ago

It just installs VCDS into a wineprefix, which is meaningless since VCDS will not see the USB interface anyways.

cryinkfly commented 1 year ago

Make sure you have the needed rights to access your computer's serial and parallel ports. On Linux, a user must typically be a member of the sys or dialout group to access serial ports, or the lp group to access parallel ports. :-)

RobertoD91 commented 4 months ago

It just installs VCDS into a wineprefix, which is meaningless since VCDS will not see the USB interface anyways.

Wine can't access usb devices, but can use serial devices. Maybe there are some rs-232<->CAN adapters that work?

EDIT: there are also network can bus adapters

rKsanu2MMYvypWePtQWM commented 4 months ago

Wine can't access usb devices, but can use serial devices. Maybe there are some rs-232<->CAN adapters that work?

There are, you can find them at your local museum.

EDIT: there are also network can bus adapters

Those host a website which imitates the VCDS UI and does not use any PC software.