cryo-sphere / stereo-v5

This is an easy-to-use free open-source music bot called Stereo. You can host it yourself or use our own hosted version. Checkout for more information!
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chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies #92

Closed renovate[bot] closed 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

WhiteSource Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
@prisma/client (source) ^3.6.0 -> ^3.7.0 age adoption passing confidence
@sapphire/framework (source) 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2 age adoption passing confidence
@types/node ^16.11.14 -> ^16.11.17 age adoption passing confidence
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^5.7.0 -> ^5.8.1 age adoption passing confidence
@typescript-eslint/parser ^5.7.0 -> ^5.8.1 age adoption passing confidence
discord.js (source) ^13.3.1 -> ^13.4.0 age adoption passing confidence
prisma (source) ^3.6.0 -> ^3.7.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

prisma/prisma ### [`v3.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( Today, we are excited to share the `3.7.0` stable release 🎉 🌟 **Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo or [tweeting](​prisma%20release%20v3.7.0%20%F0%9F%9A%80%0D%0A%0D%0A about the release.** 🌟 #### Major improvements ##### Referential actions support for MongoDB In `3.7.0`, we've added MongoDB support for `onDelete` and `onUpdate` to specify how you want to handle changes to relationships. MongoDB does not support referential actions out of the box, but we can emulate this feature inside the Prisma Query Engine. Given the following schema: ```diff model User { id String @​id @​default(dbgenerated()) @​map("_id") @​db.ObjectId posts Post[] name String } model Post { id String @​id @​default(dbgenerated()) @​map("_id") @​db.ObjectId + author User @​relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade) - author User @​relation(fields: [userId], references: [id]) title String userId String @​db.ObjectId } ``` By specifying `onDelete: Cascade`, Prisma will also delete posts whenever the author of the posts is deleted. There's a lot more to referential actions than cascading deletes. Head over to [our documentation]( to learn more. Prisma exposes features and workflows that database vendors don't offer. ##### Prevent referential cycles on MongoDB As part of getting `onDelete` and `onUpdate` ready for MongoDB, we’ve tightened up our validation rules to prevent a potential stack overflow if you create a loop with referential actions. This change may cause some existing schemas using the `mongodb` preview feature to become invalid, where your schema now errors out with the following message: ```bash Error parsing attribute "@​relation": Reference causes a cycle. ``` If you run into this, you can learn how to resolve it with [this documentation]( If you’re still stuck, feel free to open [a discussion]( and we’ll lend a hand! ##### Deprecating undocumented usage of `type` in Prisma Schema With Prisma `3.7.0` release, the [Prisma VS Code extension]( (and other IDEs using our [language server implementation](​prisma/language-server)) will start to show a warning when detecting unsupported usage of the `type` keyword. An example of that is string aliasing: ```prisma type MyId = String @​id @​default(dbgenerated(new_uuid())) model A { id MyId } ``` We plan to remove that functionality entirely with the next major release of Prisma. If you happen to depend on similar functionality for type aliasing, please leave a comment on the [issue]( ##### Prisma Studio - Due to how Prisma Studio executes Prisma Client queries, it was possible to execute arbitrary code on Studio’s local server. This has since been patched. - Issues with viewing and updating models with `BigInt` fields are also resolved. #### Fixes and improvements ##### Prisma Client - [Run (most) tests on all operating system]( - [EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink '...node_modules\prisma\query_engine-windows.dll.node']( - [Overflowing stack on cyclic actions]( - [Implement a cockroachdb datamodel connector (Validations, for Prisma Client API adaptations)]( - ["No X found" error thrown from a findUnique query does not show a stack trace]( ##### Prisma Migrate - [SQL Server: `prisma generate` fails with error "memory allocation of \[86GB\] failed"]( ##### Language tools (e.g. VS Code) - [Auto completion work for "Expanded Index Capabilities"]( - [Make auto completion preview feature flag aware]( - [The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm]( - [prisma-fmt panic on schema with `@@​fulltext(fields:[])` or `@@​fulltext([])` or `@@​index([])` or `@@​unique([])`.]( #### Credits Huge thanks to [@​otan](, [@​benkroeger](, [@​YassinEldeeb](, [@​chenkie]( for helping! #### 📺 Join us for another "What's new in Prisma" livestream Learn about the latest release and other news from the Prisma community by joining us for another ["What's new in Prisma Holiday Special"]( livestream. The stream takes place [on YouTube]( on **Tuesday, December 21** at **5 pm Berlin | 8 am San Francisco**.
sapphiredev/framework ### [`v2.2.2`](​222-httpsgithubcomsapphiredevframeworkcomparev221v222-2021-12-26) [Compare Source](
typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin) ### [`v5.8.1`](​581-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev580v581-2021-12-27) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-indexed-object-style] do not report for circular references ([#​4347]( ([6edebcd]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-definitions] correct fixer with declare keyword ([#​4334]( ([0cd911a]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[padding-line-between-statements] make function overloading is also processed ([#​4345]( ([d31ec26]( ### [`v5.8.0`](​580-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev570v580-2021-12-20) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-implied-eval] improve performance ([#​4313]( ([e344596]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[padding-line-between-statements] `type` StatementTypes can't differenciate from variable ([#​4270]( ([bfc4324]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[strict-boolean-expression] false positive for truthy boolean ([#​4275]( ([72c2e41]( - **eslint-plugin:** `array-type` mark `AST_NODE_TYPES.TSBigIntKeyword` as simple ([#​4274]( ([74e544e]( - **eslint-plugin:** handle method overloading in `semi` ([#​4318]( ([3b87b49]( - **experimental-utils:** support immutable members ([#​3844]( ([3d33a77]( ##### Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-throw-literal] add options to to disallow `any`/`unknown` ([#​4207]( ([ff0adf9]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[restrict-plus-operand] add allowAny option ([#​4260]( ([2788545](
typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@​typescript-eslint/parser) ### [`v5.8.1`](​581-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev580v581-2021-12-27) [Compare Source]( **Note:** Version bump only for package [@​typescript-eslint/parser]( ### [`v5.8.0`](​580-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev570v580-2021-12-20) [Compare Source]( **Note:** Version bump only for package [@​typescript-eslint/parser](
discordjs/discord.js ### [`v13.4.0`](​1340-httpsgithubcomdiscordjsdiscordjscompare13311340---2021-12-24) [Compare Source]( #### Bug Fixes - **BaseMessageComponent:** Don't create new class instances ([#​7140]( ([e6f41b5]( - Make the followUp function error more clear ([#​7129]( ([b763dab]( - **StickerPack:** Nullify `bannerId` ([#​7119]( ([6bb03f2]( - Webhook typeguards should use string comparisons ([#​7127]( ([645b3f8]( - **Message:** Remove usage of `.deleted` ([#​7109]( ([a0fe0ac]( - **GuildAuditLog:** Remove `Promise`s in constructor ([#​7089]( ([9cf44d1]( - **ShardingManager:** Fix respawnAll not passing delay correctly ([#​7084]( ([de61fe4]( - **StoreChannel:** Mark as deprecated ([#​7072]( ([5ec542d]( - **InteractionCollector:** Handle thread (and parent) deletion ([#​7070]( ([b5cd288]( - **ReactionCollector:** Check for channel.threads ([#​7069]( ([3846f0d]( - **GuildChannel:** Default to `this.rawPosition` in `clone()` ([#​7057]( ([5fcda73]( - Interaction channel type should be `GuildTextBasedChannels` when in guild ([#​6998]( ([da86bd4]( - **Util:** Fix sorting for GuildChannels ([#​7002]( ([c07207f]( - **MessageManager:** Do not use `client.emojis` ([#​7039]( ([fd63139]( - **ActionsManager:** Revert to manual requires ([#​7034]( ([0193efa]( - **MessagePayload:** Prevent spread of `undefined` ([#​7029]( ([fabd343]( - **MessageManager:** Allow a string for `edit()` ([#​7033]( ([54f937d]( - Avoid sending bot auth on token endpoints ([#​7022]( ([7efeff4]( - **Sharding:** Properly handle errors in fetchClientValues ([#​6990]( ([c0ba2d4]( - **VoiceState:** Set streaming to false when the stream ended ([#​6992]( ([fdb09cb]( - **MessageReaction:** Cache myself when `MessageReaction#me` is `true`. ([#​6956]( ([b001e19]( #### Documentation - Deprecate `.deleted` getters ([#​7107]( ([d43f684]( - **Sticker:** Fix typo ([#​7085]( ([ee91f5a]( - **Constants:** Document missing errors ([#​7086]( ([6e57b65]( - **Constants:** Adjust `GUILD_STORE` warning placement ([#​7083]( ([23513d1]( - **StoreChannel:** Add deprecation warnings ([#​7080]( ([fdba146]( - **GuildStickerManager:** Fix create() example ([#​7060]( ([6f58e81]( - **Invite:** Add info blocks for missing props ([#​7014]( ([b183a8e]( - **MessageReference:** Fix static link ([#​7041]( ([85e6812]( - **Constants:** Fix typo "announcement" ([#​7016]( ([a1a8ca4]( - **README:** Add installation instruction on [@​discordjs/voice]( ([#​6964]( ([3c857a6]( - **Guild:** Fix setOwner() example ([#​6929]( ([dc64541]( #### Features - Add support for GuildScheduledEvent ([#​6493]( ([1316fd4]( - **GuildMember:** Add timeouts ([#​7104]( ([aa7c1b2]( - Export Sweepers ([#​7117]( ([b9b60a3]( - Add API error code 50109 ([#​7112]( ([55960cc]( - **Client:** Add global sweepers ([#​6825]( ([d1ef2f5]( - Add API error code 20029 ([#​7078]( ([f410536]( - **ApplicationCommand:** Add setX methods for easier editing ([#​7063]( ([7f980e3]( - Add API error code 50055 ([#​7068]( ([f028aea]( - **SnowflakeUtil:** Add `timestampFrom` ([#​7058]( ([8b200c0]( - **Guild:** Add premiumProgressbarEnabled ([#​6887]( ([552d89f]( - Add `UserContextMenuInteraction` and `MessageContextMenuInteraction` ([#​7003]( ([4fe063f]( - **Shard:** Add eval context ([#​7011]( ([77aff08]( - **ThreadChannel:** Add `ThreadChannel#viewable` ([#​6975]( ([db09d79]( - **ThreadManager:** Add slowmode option on thread creation ([#​6989]( ([493e4f9]( - **MessageAttachment:** Description (alt text) support ([#​6871]( ([5e0a7d5]( - **ApplicationCommand:** Add support for min and max values ([#​6855]( ([c30a818]( - **SystemChannelFlags:** Add new flag ([#​6870]( ([49e3ce2]( - **UserFlags:** Add BOT_HTTP_INTERACTIONS ([#​6733]( ([f43140a]( - Add new activity flags ([#​6699]( ([47d74eb]( - **ApplicationFlags:** Add message content intent flags ([#​6888]( ([e94073a]( #### Refactor - **UserManager:** Move methods to the manager ([#​7087]( ([2ed02f7]( - **RoleManager:** Move some methods over from Role ([#​7096]( ([1e00fc2]( - **Guild:** Remove duplicate methods ([#​7100]( ([717e0e9]( - **Util:** Replace `Util.delayFor` with `tp.setTimeout` ([#​7082]( ([25b8491]( - Make `Structure#deleted` a getter to a WeakSet ([#​7074]( ([b093750]( - **SnowflakeUtil:** Clean up utils and improve perf ([#​7036]( ([e59fac3]( - **MessageEmbed:** Utilise an object approach for `.setAuthor()` ([#​6966]( ([73854ee]( - Deprecate application command events ([#​6937]( ([28688e2]( #### Typings - **CategoryChannel:** Fix createChannel return type ([#​7138]( ([1626dde]( - **CategoryChannel:** `createChannel` should default to a text channel ([#​7132]( ([a0a5b0e]( - Make channel types a lot stricter ([#​7120]( ([7b65a04]( - Forward cache types to collector filters ([#​7126]( ([77489b9]( - Fix possibly `null` message properties ([#​7111]( ([bc6a6c5]( - Use mapped enums instead of overloads ([#​7088]( ([49f9a18]( - **MessageComponentInteraction:** Ensure `component` is not `null` ([#​7099]( ([2ce244b]( - **GuildAuditLog:** Strengthen types ([#​7090]( ([5a5c045]( - **Message:** `guild` should be non-null when message is in guild ([#​6933]( ([1230bee]( - Improve audit logs' typings ([#​6647]( ([b6b4570]( - **Interaction:** Narrow `memberPermissions` ([#​7054]( ([01f8d1b]( - **ApplicationCommandManager:** Deprecate old `*Data` type usages and allow camel cased dapi types to be used ([#​6959]( ([2c91c48]( - **WebhookMessageOptions:** Disallow stickers ([#​7012]( ([099536e]( - Remove unneeded collector types ([#​7008]( ([c1f2fe2]( - Make event emitters use mapped event types ([#​7019]( ([48555cb]( - **ApplicationSubcommandData:** Allow `autocomplete` to be `true` ([#​6981]( ([ecc61f3]( - Fix interaction typeguards ([#​6976]( ([06cd16f]( - Strengthen autocomplete option types ([#​6950]( ([7630158]( - Fix cache type fallback types ([#​6961]( ([9f240ea]( - Unify ApplicationCommandManager#create overloads ([#​6970]( ([8e881d2]( - **Events:** Rest events can be emitted on BaseClient ([#​6936]( ([c297829](


📅 Schedule: "before 12pm on Sunday" (UTC).

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Rebasing: Renovate will not automatically rebase this PR, because other commits have been found.

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This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.