Firstly thank you for developing the gem it's much appreciated.
I'm trying to use the status gem as well as the failure gem( in a rails 3.07 application. When I add the failure gem and navigate to the sidekiq web interface and try and display the failure tab I get the following error:
Errno::ENOENT at /sidekiq/failures
No such file or directory - /usr/jobbeat/bundler/ruby/1.9.1/gems/sidekiq_status-1.0.4/web/views/failures.slim
It seems to be looking for the failure page in the status gem directory. If I remove the status gem everything displays fine. I don't know too much about slim or sinatra but it looks like a view path is being changed somewhere.
Is this a problem with the status gem or the failure gem or am I missing something?
Firstly thank you for developing the gem it's much appreciated.
I'm trying to use the status gem as well as the failure gem( in a rails 3.07 application. When I add the failure gem and navigate to the sidekiq web interface and try and display the failure tab I get the following error:
Errno::ENOENT at /sidekiq/failures No such file or directory - /usr/jobbeat/bundler/ruby/1.9.1/gems/sidekiq_status-1.0.4/web/views/failures.slim
It seems to be looking for the failure page in the status gem directory. If I remove the status gem everything displays fine. I don't know too much about slim or sinatra but it looks like a view path is being changed somewhere.
Is this a problem with the status gem or the failure gem or am I missing something?