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A simple static site generator written in Clojure
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Router serving static-file only works locally #254

Open BuddhiLW opened 1 year ago

BuddhiLW commented 1 year ago

I want to create a router for /cv1 and serve a pdf.

Locally, it works just fine. That is, curl will work. And, the page renders a pdf on the browser.

Locally: maim-region-20221121-180237

But, in my website, it gives 404,

In the server.clj, I defined the router cv1, as so:

(defroutes routes
  (GET "/" [] (redirect
               (let [config (resolve-config)]
                 (path (:blog-prefix config)
                       (when (= (:clean-urls config) :dirty)
  (GET "/cv1" [] (ring.util.response/file-response
                              (let [config (resolve-config)]
                                  (path (:blog-prefix config)
  (route/files "/")
  (route/not-found "Page not found"))

What could I do to accomplish the file-serving?

What I have tried

None worked.

yogthos commented 1 year ago

You should just be able to serve the PDF as a resource from the public folder.

BuddhiLW commented 1 year ago
(defroutes routes
  (GET "/" [] (redirect
               (let [config (resolve-config)]
                 (path (:blog-prefix config)
                       (when (= (:clean-urls config) :dirty)
  (GET "/cv1" [] (ring.util.response/file-response
  (GET "/cv2" [] (ring.util.response/file-response
  (GET "/cv3" [] (ring.util.response/file-response
                  (path "cv-2022-11-03.pdf")))
$ tree public/pdf/
├── cv-2021-08-11.pdf
└── cv-2022-11-03.pdf

0 directories, 2 files

This doesn't work. None of the three end-points. I don't know what to try further.

BuddhiLW commented 1 year ago

Oh, yeah, if I run lein serve, it works on localhost:3000/v1 and v3.

But, not on the deployed website.

BuddhiLW commented 1 year ago


yogthos commented 1 year ago

The problem there is that you won't have a server running once you build the site. You'd have to link to the PDF file from the page relative to your public folder.

BuddhiLW commented 1 year ago

I see.

Could you give me an example, or a direction, of how I may achieve that? I have no idea.

Thanks in advance.