cryotools / matilda

Tool for modeling water resources in glacierized catchments. Combines a temperature-index melt model with the conceptual catchment model HBV and a parameterized glacier area/volume re-scaling routine.
MIT License
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Open LKPatel1 opened 1 year ago

LKPatel1 commented 1 year ago

Greetings, Im testing this code, and have treid maintaining the csv just as in the example folder. My time stamp is in: Day/Month/Year format. When I run

output_matilda = matilda_simulation(df, output=working_directory,
                                    sim_start='01-01-2003', sim_end='31-12-2022',
                                    freq="D",  # Temporal resolution ("D", "M" or "Y")
                                    lat=76,  # Latitude
                                    area_cat=20.5,  # Catchment area
                                    area_glac=10.5,  # Glaciated area in the catchment
                                    ele_dat=20,  # Reference altitude of the data (e.g. AWS altitude)
                                    ele_glac=350,  # Mean altitude of glaciated area
                                    ele_cat=500,  # Mean catchment elevation

                                    # Optional:
                                    # 1. specify model parameters, e.g.
                                    # For a list of model parameters and default values check the Parameters file

                                    # 2. Add glacier profile (see Readme) to account for glacier change:
                                    glacier_profile= glacier_profile,

                                    # 3. Include interactive plots:
                                    plot_type='all' # If you receive errors relating to plotly either try a different plotly version or change plot_type to "print"

I get the following error

ValueError: time data "13-01-2003" doesn't match format "%m-%d-%Y", at position 12. You might want to try:
    - passing `format` if your strings have a consistent format;
    - passing `format='ISO8601'` if your strings are all ISO8601 but not necessarily in exactly the same format;
    - passing `format='mixed'`, and the format will be inferred for each element individually. You might want to use `dayfirst` alongside this.
    - ```
LKPatel1 commented 1 year ago

This is the error ###############

/tmp/ipykernel_3626/ in <module>
----> 1 output_matilda = matilda_simulation(df, output=working_directory,
      2                                     sim_start='01-01-2003', sim_end='31-12-2022',
      3                                     freq="D",  # Temporal resolution ("D", "M" or "Y")
      4                                     lat=76,  # Latitude
      5                                     area_cat=20.5,  # Catchment area

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matilda/ in matilda_simulation(input_df, obs, glacier_profile, output, warn, set_up_start, set_up_end, sim_start, sim_end, freq, lat, soi, area_cat, area_glac, ele_dat, ele_glac, ele_cat, plots, plot_type, hydro_year, elev_rescaling, pfilter, drop_surplus, parameter_set, lr_temp, lr_prec, TT_snow, TT_diff, CFMAX_ice, CFMAX_rel, BETA, CET, FC, K0, K1, K2, LP, MAXBAS, PERC, UZL, PCORR, SFCF, CWH, AG, RFS)
   2054         # Downscaling of data if necessary and the MATILDA simulation
   2055         if glacier_profile is not None:
-> 2056             output_MATILDA = matilda_submodules(df_preproc, parameter, glacier_profile=glacier_profile,
   2057                                                 elev_rescaling=elev_rescaling, drop_surplus=drop_surplus)
   2058         else:

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matilda/ in matilda_submodules(df_preproc, parameter, obs, glacier_profile, elev_rescaling, drop_surplus)
   1260             if glacier_profile is not None:
   1261                 lookup_table = create_lookup_table(glacier_profile, parameter)
-> 1262                 output_DDM, glacier_change, input_df_catchment = updated_glacier_melt(df_preproc, lookup_table,
   1263                                                                                       glacier_profile, parameter,
   1264                                                                                       drop_surplus=drop_surplus)

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matilda/ in updated_glacier_melt(data, lookup_table, glacier_profile, parameter, drop_surplus)
    659     # determine hydrological years
--> 660     data["water_year"] = np.where((data.index.month) >= parameter.hydro_year, data.index.year + 1, data.index.year)
    662     # initial glacier mass from the glacier profile in mm w.e. (relative to the whole catchment)

AttributeError: 'RangeIndex' object has no attribute 'month'
geoalxx commented 1 year ago

Please try again using the following date format. That should fix the error: sim_start='2000-01-01', sim_end='2099-12-31'