cryptee / web-client

Cryptee's web client source code for all platforms.
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[Feature Request] Possibility to share content via a link #175

Closed pabloscloud closed 1 year ago

pabloscloud commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'm always frustrated when I have a photo in my library that I want to share.

Describe the solution you'd like A link that would lead to a photo/video(/document) so it will decrypt and show it on the website maybe with a description and metadata like time. (Could be protected with a password for privacy?)

Additional context I would like to create a photo album (a real book) where I could print qrcodes with the link to a video cause I can't print an image and don't want to rely on unencrypted software like iCloud.

johnozbay commented 1 year ago

Hi there! Thanks for filing this, but I'm afraid this is a duplicate of #122. Closing this so we can continue the conversation there. Best, J

pabloscloud commented 1 year ago

Sry I only searched for open issues :/

johnozbay commented 1 year ago

No worries at all ✌🏻 Thanks for understanding!

pabloscloud commented 1 year ago

And thanks for answering instantly :-)