cryptee / web-client

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[Bug] Offline Docs not loading offline in Brave (Android) #190

Closed S7venLights closed 1 year ago

S7venLights commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug This seems to happen intermittently (perhaps after updating the browser). If there һаѕո't been a first launch of cryptee docs after a phone restart, then if I open Cryptee in an offline state; even notes that have been saved for offline access don't load. It simply stays loading infinitely. If Cryptee has been opened once online then this issue doesn't present.

System Information

johnozbay commented 1 year ago

Hi there!

Judging by your other bug reports, I'm going to take a guess and say that you having connectivity / storage issues on your mobile device with Brave isn't a coincidence, and this is actually related to #185. Please follow the steps I wrote there, and give things a try, and if this still doesn't address the problem, if possible give things a try with another browser to see if this connectivity issue is about your android device, your network, or your browser itself. Due to the vast variety of android devices, vendor/os flavors, browsers and extensions and dns configurations we cannot help with issues like without extremely specific information.

We have our issue templates for a reason. i.e. how can I know if you're trying to use Android 5 or Android 12? You didn't mention it. I cannot know if your Brave browser is from 8 years ago or from this week if you don't write the version.

I'm deeply appreciate of the fact that you're filing these issues, but please follow our issue guidelines or we cannot help you, it won't improve Cryptee, it will cost you and us time, and result in one or all of us getting frustrated.

Hoping this makes sense and helps,


S7venLights commented 1 year ago

Have updated info and will keep testing.

S7venLights commented 11 months ago

This issue can stay closed, seems to work fine