cryptee / web-client

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[Bug] The focused area of the document automatically moves to the top after adding a link #201

Open ramonls8 opened 7 months ago

ramonls8 commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug Every time a link is added to a word or text in a document on Android, the focused area of the document (the part of the document that appears on the screen) automatically scrolls to the top, so you lose the position you were in.

To Reproduce

  1. Create a document in cryptee on Android.
  2. Write many lines of text so that you can scroll through the document.
  3. Write a word and add a link to it.
  4. The screen will automatically move to the top of the document.

Expected behavior The screen focus or position in the document should not change after a link is added to a word or text.

System Information:

johnozbay commented 7 months ago

Hi there! Thanks a lot for filing this!

If possible, could you please share the device name, OS and browser versions as well as a list of extensions you may have? With android the text editor (as well as the styling popups etc) are all extremely OS and vendor dependent (i.e. samsung has a different copy/paste/style popup vs Xiaomi vs Google Pixels etc) which makes fixing bugs like these downright impossible without more information (hence our bug / issue guidelines) (+ the combinations and permutations of all extensions etc = millions of ways things can break.)

Looking forward to getting a bit more information from you so we can take a deeper look at this right away.

All the best,

J ✌🏻

ramonls8 commented 7 months ago

Here is a video of the bug:

johnozbay commented 7 months ago

Thanks a lot for all this! We're working on reproducing this and will get this fixed right away! Also, many thanks for your patience and help in digging these up and filing these — deeply appreciate it ✌🏻

ramonls8 commented 2 months ago

I have found the reason why this bug occurs. When you add a link to a word, the cursor is no longer where it was, so you cannot write in the position where you were writing before you added the link until you click again somewhere in the document. This happens in both the phone and computer versions. This could be fixed by automatically placing the cursor back where it was before the link was added.

S7venLights commented 2 weeks ago

The same things happens for me when pasting any text on mobile. Tested using 2 different android keyboards. I have arrow keys in my keyboard and if i click left or right, the focus will come back to where I was. So I haven't bothered reporting til now. But it's been happening for the last 2 versions at least.

S7venLights commented 2 weeks ago

I have a similar bug, where the formatting tools bar that sits above an android keyboard will occasionally move up half the visible screen space. Leaving a black space beneath it. I can move it back down by swiping around seemingly randomly 1

I'm on android 12 using Cryptee in brave with no ad/script/tracker blocking.