cryptoadvance / specter-diy

DIY airgapped hardware wallet that uses QR codes for communication with the host
MIT License
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Multiple seeds #149

Closed EndNationStates closed 3 years ago

EndNationStates commented 3 years ago

Adds support for managing multiple seeds on both internal storage as SD.

EndNationStates commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure about combining the export to SD and save to SD screens as the load key screen only loads keys that have been 'saved', not 'exported'. If we combine the two, we should accommodate import key along with load key.

What would be the benefit of exporting the key in a .7z file? My idea to save the file encrypted is to have some security while still being able to use it on a different specter (as opposed to using device secret). If we could use the .7z file on other hww, I can see the advantage.

I'll merge the files available on SD and internal into one screen, that makes sense.

Edit: My comment about the encrypted export makes no sense in this PR. That and the 7z encrypted export belong in a different PR. Please disregard :) I suggest that for now we maintain the export to SD as plain text and revisit this later together with the encryption.