cryptoadvance / specter-diy

DIY airgapped hardware wallet that uses QR codes for communication with the host
MIT License
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Add support for "Export to software" QR code from Specter-Desktop #167

Closed stepansnigirev closed 2 years ago

stepansnigirev commented 2 years ago

Often people scan "Export to software" QR code with DIY and get "can't find a matching app" error. The QR code contains everything we need though, so we could just parse it and create a wallet.

example of the content of the QR code:

{"label": "btc1", "blockheight": 0, "descriptor": "wpkh([cdc15fe2/84h/1h/0h]tpubDDWHZoCmT44TvebStogKMkQMoKW5FP8emyu3EhLwKWN1cMU8X41nwQk5Zxx5Zy9v9BFaeLrhDBHEpktyET3V2uW5py1qo9ArQ19x4sLYEmy/0/*)#g8r697ak", "devices": [{"type": "bitcoincore", "label": "btchot1"}]}

We should take the descriptor, replace /0/* with /{0,1}/* and pass together with label to the wallets app. So the QR code above should convert to the command to wallets app:

addwallet btc1&wpkh([cdc15fe2/84h/1h/0h]tpubDDWHZoCmT44TvebStogKMkQMoKW5FP8emyu3EhLwKWN1cMU8X41nwQk5Zxx5Zy9v9BFaeLrhDBHEpktyET3V2uW5py1qo9ArQ19x4sLYEmy/{0,1}/*)
stepansnigirev commented 2 years ago

Added in the latest release