cryptoadvance / specter-diy

DIY airgapped hardware wallet that uses QR codes for communication with the host
MIT License
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ur:crypto-psbt support #208

Closed stepansnigirev closed 1 year ago

stepansnigirev commented 1 year ago

Modern ur:crypto-psbt standard support for QR codes. Experimental. Close #89. I had to write it from scratch as implementation from foundation devices uses too much memory. Tested with small to mid-size transactions (up to 10 inputs) - works in most cases. Sometimes it fails on large txs for mysterious reasons - decoder probably because of uart buffer overwrite, not sure why encoder fails. I need to investigate further. Anyways, for most common txs it works, so makes sense to gather information when it fails and under what conditions.

netlify[bot] commented 1 year ago

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