cryptoadvance / specter-diy

DIY airgapped hardware wallet that uses QR codes for communication with the host
MIT License
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QR Scanner Sometimes Returns an Error from Sparrow #273

Open mflaxman opened 6 months ago

mflaxman commented 6 months ago

Can't find matching app for this request: IMG_7926

I discovered this in a strange way. First I was doing a CPFP transaction and got this error, followed by a long binary string. I tried RBF instead and Specter-DIY was able to sign without issues.

Then today I tried a new transaction that is a 1 input 1 output p2wsh transaction and I got the error again. Sometimes the error is an empty string, sometimes it's a long binary string. At first it seemed like selecting decrease density on Sparrow caused an empty string, but now it's happening both ways.

Or sometimes it returns this memory allocation error (I deleted the other wallets on this device and restarted to see if that made a difference): IMG_7927

IIRC I only get the memory allocation error when using decreased density.