I am currently trying to run the ABY innerproduct protocol locally. Currently, the process gets stuck after starting the first party (which waits for an incoming connection):
Choose task to be executed:
1. Preform pre process operations
2. Install Experiment
3. Execute Experiment
4. Update libscapi
Your choice:3
[] Executing task 'run_protocol'
[] sudo: killall -9 run.sh; exit 0
[] out: run.sh: no process found
[] out:
[] sudo: ldconfig ~/boost_1_64_0/stage/lib/ ~/libscapi/install/lib/
[] run: pwd
[] out: /home/lbraun/cryptobiu-ABY/MATRIX
[] out:
[] put: InstancesConfigurations/parties.conf -> /home/lbraun/cryptobiu-ABY/MATRIX/parties.conf
[] run: . ./run.sh 0 -b 32
I am currently trying to run the ABY innerproduct protocol locally. Currently, the process gets stuck after starting the first party (which waits for an incoming connection):
I have changed the following settings:
The mentioned