cryptocoinjs / coininfo

JavaScript component for crypto currency specific information.
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Incorrect config for DCR #39

Closed coincrypto closed 6 years ago

coincrypto commented 6 years ago

coininfo for dcr is not correct now. Please help to fix.

fanatid commented 6 years ago

What value is not correct?

coincrypto commented 6 years ago

var CoinKey = require('coinkey'); var ci = require('coininfo'); var ck = CoinKey.createRandom(ci('DCR')); const result = { address: ck.publicAddress } console.log(JSON.stringify(result));

I'm sorry I'm not familiar with Go in so I could not find correct value. But please take a look code above, your lib can run well with Litecoin, MonaCoin, Bitcoin, Dash...except Decred. It generate wrong Decred address, I guess it has some missing value in your config. Please take a look....

fanatid commented 6 years ago

But Decred uses blake256 and address versions is 2 byte instead 1.

Simplified example:

    const payload = Buffer.alloc(2 + 20)
    const hash32 = createBlakeHash('blake256').update(publicKey).digest()
    const hash20 = crypto.createHash('ripemd160').update(hash32).digest()
    hash20.copy(payload, 2)

    return bs58check.encode(payload)
coincrypto commented 6 years ago

I got it, thank you!

coincrypto commented 6 years ago
var CoinKey = require('coinkey');
var ci = require('coininfo');
var bs58check = require('bs58check')
var createBlakeHash = require('blake-hash')
var crypto     = require('crypto')

const args = process.argv;
const network = 'DCR';

var ck = CoinKey.createRandom(ci(network));
var publicKey = ck.publicKey;

var payload = Buffer.allocUnsafe(22)
var hash32 = createBlakeHash('blake256').update(publicKey).digest()
var hash20 = crypto.createHash('ripemd160').update(hash32).digest()
hash20.copy(payload, 2)

@fanatid I'm sorry to bother you again, I tried to test your guide with code above, It will generate a DCR address (for example: Dsb2wKQRGwJchRod3Rr17CfHwkgoCoUUipD). But this address is not valid on DCR network.

Example of correct address here:

I'm a newbie and I tried on google but I could not find solution :( Please take a look when you have time. Your help is greatly appreciated Thank you very much!

rohitsahu21 commented 5 years ago

This code generated wallet addresses not work on decred mainnet network.