cryptomator / cryptomator

Multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud
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Option to disable the repeated pop-up asking to enable automatic update checks #3434

Closed CarstenNeubert closed 1 month ago

CarstenNeubert commented 1 month ago

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Cryptomator repeatedly displays a pop-up asking to enable automatic update checks, even if the users has other means to update


If a user already has another method to update the app (e.g., Chocolatey), a repeated pop-up at boot time asking to enable automatic update checks can be bothersome. Currently, the pop-up only allows users to enable automatic update checks, check once, or dismiss the pop-up temporarily, but not to disable it permanently. While enabling automatic update checks is generally in the user's best interest, advanced users with specific reasons may feel nagged by this repetitive prompt (I certainly do). An option to permanently disable the pop-up would improve the user experience for these users.

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Anything else?

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SailReal commented 1 month ago

Since Cryptomator 1.10.1 with and we have the option to disable the update check via a system property. Since then we have the general rule that if the application is distributed using a package manager, the package manager can disable the update checker, as the package manager is responsible for distributing updates. In general, most package managers already use this option, such as our Arch AUR package.

Without a package manager generally disabling the update checker is a bad practice, as it gives the impression that there are no updates available, even if there are some, perhaps even security relevant ones.

In Windows, the MSI and Exe do not have this option set by themselves, as they can be installed directly without using a package manager.

I'm not exactly sure how Chocolate works, and it's a community project and not officially provided by Skymatic (the company behind Cryptomator), but if we look at it looks like this update check is also disabled. The latest version in doesn't have this change yet, so I assume it will be available in the next release, but as I said, I'm not that familiar with how the release process works within a Chocolate package.