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Cryptomator for Windows, macOS, and Linux: Secure client-side encryption for your cloud storage, ensuring privacy and control over your data.
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Please Specify CJK Font-family #754

Open Riajyuu opened 6 years ago

Riajyuu commented 6 years ago

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I'm using Windows in version: 10 pro lastest

I'm running Cryptomator in version: 1.4.0


Currently CJK font family seems undefined and falls back to Sim Sun which looks really awful. Here I suggest Microsoft Yahei UI or Segoe UI instead.

Here is an attachment for screenshot.


Riajyuu commented 5 years ago

just a hint: this will impact everyone in Asia, not just Chinese, Japanese or Korean.

overheadhunter commented 5 years ago

Since I can't read any of the far-eastern languages, I can not evaluate whether these glyphs look good: Source Han Serif

But at least the license would allow us to embedd the font file.

Riajyuu commented 5 years ago


Testing SourceHanSerifSC-Regular.otf

Firefox: image

NotePad++: image

So it is totally different issue for cases where you have your own font engine or not, FOR WINDOWS, because other OSes don't really render font like that.

For Windows, I have confidence that Microsoft Yahei UI (best for Windows 10) or Segoe UI (considering Windows 7) are both good choice. On macOS, perhaps San Francisco. But macOS and Linux are not really much concern as this issue is specific for Windows using Sim Sun fallback

overheadhunter commented 5 years ago

Well for the version you reported, Cryptomator already used Segoe UI. If that doesn't work, it might be an upstream bug.

Riajyuu commented 5 years ago


As you can see this is 1.4.15 result. Nothing seems changed.

overheadhunter commented 5 years ago

Didn't say it would change with 1.4.15, did I? I just said we've already been using Segoe UI since 1.4.0 (which is the version you've reported this issue for), because you repeatedly suggested using Segoe UI would fix the issue. That's why I think it might be best to bundle a font file instead.

Riajyuu commented 5 years ago

sorry for misunderstanding then. If segoe UI is properly applied, it shouldn't have been like that. So it can be either Java upstream bug or CSS handling. I'm not Java guy so I can't answer that for you.

infeo commented 5 years ago

Adding a custom font (like Source Han Serif) is not an option. Just looking at the chinese fonts they have a size of several Mb, let alone for other languages of the CJK family. We have to use the system fonts.

We'll have another look if there is some problem in loading the suggested fonts (especially Segoe UI).

Riajyuu commented 5 years ago

Just another solution: If you can't find any proper font, simply allow users to choose one themselves.

EbXpJ6bp commented 2 years ago

I don't know when it was fixed for me as I haven't followed the changelog in detail, but it seems to have improved in my Windows 10 environment.

2022-07-17 (1) .