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File system abstraction [DRAFT] #50

Open cryptoyang opened 3 years ago

cryptoyang commented 3 years ago

This document is not complete and can change over time.

File system abstraction


Persistent data storage is a common problem that can be solved in many ways. However, each available solution has its own drawbacks, and any of them doesn't meet all our requirements that we can imagine.



The file system abstraction can be represented as a unidirectional(?) layers or graph of cooperating services.


The lowest level of data persistence abstraction. Key-value store for hash-based IDs associated with blob.


interface Store { suspend operator fun plus(data: T): Id operator fun get(id: Id): T operator fun minus(id: Id): Boolean operator fun contains(id: Id): Boolean fun set(): Set fun additions(): Flow }

### Data

#### ID
Is a summary result of sha256 and the size of the given data.
`id(D) = sha256(D) + size(D); where D is any data`

#### Blob
On this level of abstraction, it can be any kind of data that can be stored on a hard drive.

## Graph

The abstraction, responsible for storing and indexing relations between blobs and stories.

### Requirements
* Graph is an independent service that knows Store API
* Graph can recognize the special type of blobs called Stories.
* Graph is indexing relations for each recognized story added to the store.
* Graph can serve information about relations between blobs.

### API

typealias Type = String

interface Graph { fun source(id: Id): Set fun target(id: Id): Set fun type(name: Type): Set }

### Data

#### Story
It's a unified kind of blob that can describe another blob.
The story should contain, version id, type name, set of relations plus optional body, the key-value map.

data class Story( val ver: Int = 0, val type: Type = "", val rel: Set = emptySet(), val body: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap() )

## Push service

Gateway to the file system, responsible for handling upcoming messages outside of the file system.
... TODO
cryptoarashi commented 3 years ago

A binary (canonical) ID is a 320-bit value of concat(size, hash), where:

size is a uint64 data length in network byte order. hash is a sha256 checksum of the data

A text representation of an ID is literal id1 concatenated with zBase32-encoded binary ID with removed leading zeroes (represented as y in zBase32)