default mainnet port is 7979 that means friend in korean. sound like friend = 친구 = 79
something like this :joy: its a meaningful number for korean anyway... korean golden number is such 7979 = 친구 5858 = 오빠(oppa) like おにいさん. but port number 5858 is too low. and 7979 is in a right range. 7942 (between friends) is possible but 7979 is better one.
anyone has a better idea about the default port number? it can be considered :smiley: @moderator
current port number
7979 / 7978(rpc)
17979 / 17978(rpc)
17799 / 17798(rpc)
possible range is around 7000 to 9999 and it should not used by other famous appications. i checked 7979 is not used. BTC uses 8333/18333/18833
8282 is also possible range, it sounds 8282 = 빨리빨리 = ASAP, Double time. But I don't like this word...
@otoko In Japanese, 7979 sounds なくなく (reluctantly, 마지 못해, 어쩔 수없이) or 泣く泣く (cry cry, 울음 울음).
but, most Japanese will not notice.
default mainnet port is 7979 that means friend in korean. sound like friend = 친구 = 79
something like this :joy: its a meaningful number for korean anyway... korean golden number is such 7979 = 친구 5858 = 오빠(oppa) like おにいさん. but port number 5858 is too low. and 7979 is in a right range. 7942 (between friends) is possible but 7979 is better one.
anyone has a better idea about the default port number? it can be considered :smiley: @moderator
possible range is around 7000 to 9999 and it should not used by other famous appications. i checked 7979 is not used. BTC uses 8333/18333/18833
8282 is also possible range, it sounds 8282 = 빨리빨리 = ASAP, Double time. But I don't like this word...
@otoko In Japanese, 7979 sounds なくなく (reluctantly, 마지 못해, 어쩔 수없이) or 泣く泣く (cry cry, 울음 울음). but, most Japanese will not notice.
@ilmango#5250 少しそれ思ってましたがまあ大丈夫でしょうw
@cryptozeny#7979 どうしよう...