cryspen / hacl-packages

The Cryspen HACL Distribution
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Rust bindings compilation failure #444

Open jtcoolen opened 5 months ago

jtcoolen commented 5 months ago


I'm getting an error from bindgen after adding hacl as a dependency with cargo add hacl@0.0.3-pre.1:

--- stderr
  mach_build: false
   >>> Building HACL C in /home/julien/.../target/debug/build/hacl-sys-483a2aaa0ce0c20f/out/c
   >>> CMAKE: cd "/home/julien/.../target/debug/build/hacl-sys-483a2aaa0ce0c20f/out/c" && "cmake" "-B" "build" "-G" "Ninja" "-D" "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
   >>> Installing HACL C into /home/julien/.../target/debug/build/hacl-sys-483a2aaa0ce0c20f/out/c/build/installed
  thread 'main' panicked at /home/julien/.cargo/registry/src/
  Non floating-type complex? Type(_Complex _Float16, kind: Complex, cconv: 100, decl: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), canon: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Type(_Float16, kind: Float16, cconv: 100, decl: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), canon: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None))

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