cryspen / hacl-packages

The Cryspen HACL Distribution
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Unpin breathe version, force more recent sphinx version #470

Closed R1kM closed 1 week ago

R1kM commented 2 weeks ago

The doc workflow is currently broken because of the following error message

Sphinx version error:
The sphinxcontrib.applehelp extension used by this project needs at least Sphinx v5.0; it therefore cannot be built with this version.

To fix this, this PR forces the Sphinx version to be at least 5.0.0, and installs it through pip instead of brew to have more flexibility on the sphinx version. Note, this required unpinning the version of breathe, which was done in #241 because of breakages due to breathe updates. The latest version of breathe seems fixed, so this might not be needed anymore.

cla-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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