crystal-ameba / ameba

A static code analysis tool for Crystal
MIT License
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`Lint/UselessAssign` reports macros accepting `Crystal::Macros::TypeDeclaration` #447

Open Blacksmoke16 opened 6 months ago

Blacksmoke16 commented 6 months ago
macro test(type_decl)
  def {{}} : {{type_decl.type}}

test name : String
[W] Lint/UselessAssign: Useless assignment to variable `name`
> test name : String

This should probably not be flagged since Ameba can't know what the custom macro is doing.

Sija commented 6 months ago

This is one of the cases that IMO cannot be fixed at the level of analysis that ameba is doing. You can either use inline pragma, exclude the file on the project level or turn on the ExcludeTypeDeclarations rule option.

I was thinking of AllowedMacroNames to be able to whitelist them at the project level, although I'm not convinced whether it's worth implementing, when in most of the cases you'd probably use ExcludeTypeDeclarations.

straight-shoota commented 6 months ago

I think there is indeed some room for improvement, even without semantic analysis.

For example, the rule could take into account if the assignment / type declaration is located in a call argument. That would be a strong indicator for a macro call. Using a local var assignment or even a type declaration in an argument would be quite unusual and certainly not well-formed code. So this would be an exclusion criterion. Of course there's a chance for underreporting because the macro might still make the type declaration for a local variable. But that's unlikely. And I think it's an acceptable compromise and better than having to explicitly disable this rule in general or for many locations.

Also I'm still wondering why class Foo; getter name : String; end is not reported (ref

Blacksmoke16 commented 6 months ago

It just feels less than ideal that new rules keep being added that cannot be actually robust without semantic analysis, or are more subjective in general. Which ends up forcing me to either disable them inline, globally, or conform to the suggestions on every minor release.

I still think some/most of these should be disabled by default, or made optional via some sort of opinionated style extension.

Sija commented 6 months ago

@straight-shoota Excluding call arguments might work, let's try that 👍

Sija commented 6 months ago

@straight-shoota Here you go!

Also I'm still wondering why class Foo; getter name : String; end is not reported (ref #429 (comment)).

Just FTR, note that the example is different from the one posted in

@Blacksmoke16 These are definitely topics up for a discussion. Personally, I've had problem with the DocumentationAdmonition rule, which popped flags across many of my projects and tbh I was gonna disable it by default, the UselessAssign otoh was pretty solid until recent expansion into the type declaration territory which allowed for a few bugs to creep in. And yes, lack of semantic analysis is real PITA, I'd love to get this resolved, since it's a biggest issue towards robustness and reliability. With that we can easily minimize the amount of false positives.

straight-shoota commented 6 months ago

@Sija Awesome!

With the changes from #450, would accessor_macro? be obsolete? I'm assuming its sole purpose was to filter usless assigns in macro arguments which is no handled generically. It might have other reasons, though.

Sija commented 6 months ago

@straight-shoota nope, they're still needed (to handle record Bar, foo = 42 type of cases).

Blacksmoke16 commented 6 months ago

@Sija I think this needs to be reopened, doesn't seem resolved from what I can tell:

$ git rev-parse HEAD

$ make
shards build -Dpreview_mt
Dependencies are satisfied
Building: ameba

$ cat 
macro test(type_decl)
  def {{}} : {{type_decl.type}}

test name : String

$ ./bin/ameba 
Inspecting 1 file

[W] Lint/UselessAssign: Useless assignment to variable `name`
> test name : String

Finished in 21.03 milliseconds
1 inspected, 1 failure
Sija commented 6 months ago

@Blacksmoke16 you're right, seems that my naive heuristics broke:

Sija commented 6 months ago

Proper fix would most likely have to touch the ScopeVisitor logic, since atm its inner workings make it hard or impossible to resolve this issue - i.e. I see no way to sensibly correlate whether a specific type definition is being used as a part of a call.

straight-shoota commented 6 months ago

The other week I looked into recognition of flag? macro calls (c.f.[^1] This requires a similar contextual awareness for being in a macro context. That's pretty similar to a call arg context.

I solved this by declaring a property in_macro_expression on the rule which is then assigned by the visitor (if it exists).

# in rule/
    # Returns `true` if the visitor is currently inside a macro expression.
    @[YAML::Field(ignore: true)]
    property? in_macro_expression : Bool = false
# in src/ameba/ast/visitors/
    def visit(node : Crystal::MacroExpression | Crystal::MacroIf | Crystal::MacroFor)
      rule = @rule
      if rule.responds_to?(:in_macro_expression=)
        rule.in_macro_expression = true


    def end_visit(node : Crystal::MacroExpression | Crystal::MacroIf | Crystal::MacroFor)
      rule = @rule
      if rule.responds_to?(:in_macro_expression=)
        rule.in_macro_expression = false

I figure this could work pretty similarly for Call. Considering the similar use case for call contexts, it might even make sense to generalize this as a context stack.

[^1]: I'm considering to propose a rule that enforces uniformity of the value type, most likely StringLiteral. However, this might even fit into crystal format, so I'm planning to propose it there first. I had still started on an implementation for ameba to get an understanding of how this would work.

hugopl commented 4 months ago

Avram models uses macros like these to declare the database columns, so the very useful Lint/UselessAssign rule need to be disabled on all models if using Avran 😢.

Sija commented 3 months ago

@hugopl That's a bummer indeed. OTOH IIUC the ExcludeTypeDeclarations: true option should cover majority of the cases, doesn't it?

hugopl commented 3 months ago

I didn't know about this option, I'll give it a try, thanks.

Was this option introduced with the new behavior? Or was it always there?

hugopl commented 3 months ago

Answering to my own question, yes, this options was introduced on 1.6.1.

CI here runs an older version and I got:

Error: Unable to load config file: Unknown yaml attribute: ExcludeTypeDeclarations at line 2, column 1

But yes, it solved the warnings with Avran, OTOH it loses the ability to detect unused variables declared like:

a : Int32? = nil
jwoertink commented 3 months ago

Just adding to this since I just upgraded Ameba on Lucky. The entire Lucky ecosystem gets hit by it since all Habitat configs, params, and use of needs everywhere are all identified. For now I'll just set ExcludeTypeDeclarations: true option so we can still get all the other goodies :smile: