crystal-community / crystal-libraries-needed

A list of libraries that are needed or wanted for the Crystal-Language
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XMPP / Jabber client shard #110

Closed alexanderadam closed 4 years ago

alexanderadam commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to have a XMPP/Jabber :speech_balloon: library like @astro's xmpp4r or @adhearsion's blather (which seems to implement more[?] specifications) or maybe an approach like in other languages, i.e. xmpp.js.

I think that XMPP is a nice protocol which became even better since it has support for the encryption extension OMEMO :tropical_fish: (similar to what is used in the Signal Protocol).

Nowadays there are even modern web UIs like converse.js and video conferencing solutions so maybe some people / companies decide to spin up a :whale2: Docker container with a XMPP server instead of going for Slack (where admins could read :mag: private messages with a 'Corporate Export' and there's naturally no support for encryption - even if you want it).

Also I always found XMPP4R easy to use although there might be more beautiful DSLs nowadays and the blather syntax is not bad either.

PS: a XMPP server like vines would be nice as well, but I guess this would mean too much efford

naqvis commented 4 years ago

XMPP/Jabber Library for Crystal -

alexanderadam commented 4 years ago

@naqvis, I can't emphasise this enough but this is outstanding awesome! The crystal community can be proud to have you on board. Thank you so much!

I will close this issue then.