crystal-community / crystal-libraries-needed

A list of libraries that are needed or wanted for the Crystal-Language
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integration with a browser recording library: playwright library / puppeteer library / something similar #119

Closed alexanderadam closed 3 years ago

alexanderadam commented 3 years ago

There's @microsoft's browser automation library called playwright which allows to record, generate and replay browser interactions. There's also a corresponding Python library, called playwright-python.

And it's possible to generate Python code with

$ npx playwright-cli codegen --target python

I guess it would be possible to add another Code generator for Crystal, too if there'd be something similar to playwright-python.

An alternative would be integration with @puppeteer's Puppeteer Recorder.

It would be great if this could be used with lucky_flow later on. So integration with would be useful. Or otherwise integration with something more lightweight / capable doing the CDP protocol, like marionette.

naqvis commented 3 years ago

Happy to share Playwright-cr Crystal version of the Playwright testing and automation library. :laughing:

HCLarsen commented 3 years ago

I recently heard about this one:

alexanderadam commented 3 years ago

Happy to share Playwright-cr Crystal version of the Playwright testing and automation library. laughing

@naqvis you are absolutely outstanding. Unbelievable! Wow! Thank you so much!

I'm sure this could be useful for @luckyframework and @amberframework, too since it allows recording of actions (i.e. easy reproducting of bugs).

I recently heard about this one:

Thank you for this hint. I mentioned marionette in the last sentence of the issue. My main intention was the recording and replaying issue though. Playwright is pretty much a gold standard in this regards. Now the only missing component is a matching code generator, which doesn't seem too complicated.

I guess I can close this issue then. Again, thank you so much @naqvis! :pray:

watzon commented 3 years ago

I recently heard about this one:

That's actually a fork of my project lol

alexanderadam commented 3 years ago

I recently heard about this one:

That's actually a fork of my project lol

Ah right. I linked it correctly in the first comment, though! :laughing: