crystal-community / crystal-libraries-needed

A list of libraries that are needed or wanted for the Crystal-Language
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Jupyter Kernel #95

Closed LeviZell closed 3 years ago

LeviZell commented 5 years ago

I don't know how much is involved to make something similar to the Ruby kernel - iruby (

It looks like it depends on another package - cztop (

ihnorton commented 5 years ago

If you don't mind a C++ dependency, can help get a kernel going fairly quickly vs starting from scratch.

(not a Crystal user, at least yet, but happened across this issue and figured the pointer might help)

RomainFranceschini commented 4 years ago

xeus would be the easy way but as it's in C++, one would need to write a C wrapper first, and then bind to it from Crystal.

I started to implement the protocol in Crystal, however the zeromq shard would need an update first.

RomainFranceschini commented 4 years ago

I created a thread on the crystal forum, where I'll post updates of the implementation

alexanderadam commented 3 years ago

soooo… this issue can be closed since @RomainFranceschini solved it with ICrystal, right?