crystal-lang-tools / vscode-crystal-lang

Yet another VSCode extension for Crystal Programming Language
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scry shows error but seems that autocompletion fails #61

Closed cocodrino closed 6 years ago

cocodrino commented 6 years ago

Hi...good day, first thank you for this project and scry, seems really promising, my issue is that seems scry can find the issues in my code but if I try autocomplete not show any completition

my config is

"crystal-lang.compiler": "/home/yo/.crenv/shims/crystal",
"crystal-lang.problems": "build",
"crystal-lang.completion": true,
"crystal-lang.server": "/usr/bin/scry",
"crystal-ide.backend": "custom",
"crystal-ide.customCommand": "/usr/bin/scry",
"crystal-lang.hover": true

if I change in amber a code like this

pets = Pet.all
#change to
pets=Pet.allx #show error [Scry] undefined method 'allx' for Pet:Class great!!

#now...if I press ctr+space when I'm in the l letter| 
#scry completes with ApplicationController...which is not ok

would be possible fix the autocomplete system??? thank you so much!!!

faustinoaq commented 6 years ago

Hi @cocodrino Scry auto-complete is still work in progress, please see:

cocodrino commented 6 years ago

oh that is sad...well I've suscribed to that for get informed when it'll be available, hope this will be soon :sob: and you can reuse some code from cracker (seems to be a good option for sublime, but I don't like sublime) ...thank you...