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Interpreter REPL unable to recalculate type throws inconclusive type errors #13873

Open bcardiff opened 1 year ago

bcardiff commented 1 year ago

I have reproduced this either in Crystal 1.9.2 and on master 5ed476a41adf0719fc540e6c072a521b4c8ed3ec

The following code compiles fine

require "compress/zlib"
require "io/multi_writer"

io =
mio =
mio << "a"

But when executed in the interpreter (REPL) it fails with a typing issue.

If we remove the require "compress/zlib" the code is interpreted just fine.

icr:1> require "./bug"

 6 | mio << "a"
Error: instantiating 'IO::MultiWriter#<<(String)'

In /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.9.2/share/crystal/src/

 177 | obj.to_s self
Error: instantiating 'String#to_s(IO::MultiWriter)'

In /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.9.2/share/crystal/src/

 5334 | io.write_string(to_slice)
Error: instantiating 'IO::MultiWriter#write_string(Slice(UInt8))'

In /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.9.2/share/crystal/src/

 482 | encoder.write(self, slice)
Error: instantiating 'IO::Encoder#write(IO::MultiWriter, Slice(UInt8))'

In /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.9.2/share/crystal/src/io/

 46 | io.write(outbuf.to_slice[0, outbuf.size - outbytesleft])
Error: instantiating 'IO::MultiWriter#write(Slice(UInt8))'

In /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.9.2/share/crystal/src/io/

 37 | @writers.each(&.write(slice))
Error: instantiating 'IO+#write(Slice(UInt8))'

In /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.9.2/share/crystal/src/compress/zlib/

 52 | write_header unless @wrote_header
Error: instantiating 'write_header()'

In /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.9.2/share/crystal/src/compress/zlib/

 88 | @io.write_byte cmf
Error: instantiating 'IO+#write_byte(UInt8)'

In /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.9.2/share/crystal/src/io/

 167 | if sync?
Error: instantiating 'sync?()'

In /opt/homebrew/Cellar/crystal/1.9.2/share/crystal/src/io/

 214 | @sync
Error: can't infer the type of instance variable '@sync' of Compress::Zlib::Reader

Could you add a type annotation like this

    class Compress::Zlib::Reader
      @sync : Type

replacing `Type` with the expected type of `@sync`?
beta-ziliani commented 1 year ago

I add more information: Running crystal i with the above code works fine, as well as first loading a file requiring zlib, and then dropping to the interpreter for executing the rest of the lines.

straight-shoota commented 1 year ago

So looks like this is related to #12624

beta-ziliani commented 1 year ago

Not really, or at least it's hard to see the connection: it doesn't fail because of a missing lib symbol.

straight-shoota commented 1 year ago

I suspect both are related to the underlying problem that REPL mode does not recalculate types.

bcardiff commented 1 year ago

As a workaround I ended up needing to duplicate the ivar initializers, between the prelude and the requires of the actual files.

# require or eval this whole patch

class Compress::Zlib::Reader < IO
  @in_buffer = Pointer(UInt8).null
  @out_buffer = Pointer(UInt8).null
  @in_buffer_rem = Bytes.empty
  @out_count = 0
  @sync = false
  @read_buffering = true
  @flush_on_newline = false
  @buffer_size = IO::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE

class Compress::Deflate::Reader < IO
  @in_buffer = Pointer(UInt8).null
  @out_buffer = Pointer(UInt8).null
  @in_buffer_rem = Bytes.empty
  @out_count = 0
  @sync = false
  @read_buffering = true
  @flush_on_newline = false
  @buffer_size = IO::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE

require "compress/zlib"
require "compress/deflate"

Then the following snippet can be evaluated in the interpreter successfully

require "compress/zlib"
require "io/multi_writer"

io =
mio =
mio << "a"