crystal-lang / crystal

The Crystal Programming Language
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Internal error when using `sizeof` as generic type argument in inferred ivar type #14731

Open HertzDevil opened 1 week ago

HertzDevil commented 1 week ago

The following is currently a compilation error until #5427 is resolved:

class Foo(N)

class Bar(T)
  @x : Foo(sizeof(T)) # Error: can't use sizeof(T) as a generic type argument

The following, however, produces an internal IndexError:

class Foo(N)

class Bar(T)
  @x = Foo(sizeof(T)).new
Index out of bounds (IndexError)
  from src/ in '[]'
  from src/compiler/crystal/ in 'instantiate'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'lookup'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'lookup_type?:self_type:allow_typeof:find_root_generic_type_parameters'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'lookup_type?'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'lookup_type?'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'guess_type'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'process_assign_instance_var'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'process_assign_instance_var'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'process_assign'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'process_assign'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'visit'
  from src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ in 'accept'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'visit'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'visit'
  from src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ in 'accept'
  from src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ in 'accept_children'
  from src/compiler/crystal/syntax/ in 'accept'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'visit_with_finished_hooks'
  from src/compiler/crystal/semantic/ in 'process'
  from src/compiler/crystal/ in 'top_level_semantic'
  from src/compiler/crystal/ in 'semantic:cleanup'
  from src/compiler/crystal/ in 'compile'
  from src/compiler/crystal/ in 'compile'
  from src/compiler/crystal/ in 'run_command'
  from src/compiler/crystal/ in 'run'
  from src/compiler/crystal/ in 'run'
  from src/compiler/crystal/ in 'run'
  from src/compiler/ in '__crystal_main'
  from src/crystal/ in 'main_user_code'
  from src/crystal/ in 'main'
  from src/crystal/ in 'main'

The same happens if @x is assigned inside #initialize instead.