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Build linux compiler and shards without debug info #43

Closed bcardiff closed 5 years ago

bcardiff commented 5 years ago

darwin omnibus and homebrew formula compiles the compiler and shards with --no-debug

The CI have been failing lately because due to latest changes somehow seems to hit during the release process in the second stage of the compiler. It seems we are hitting

One of the exception seems to be from the trace of a build with dprintf and usually the errors in the last couple of days was looks like .

Until that is solved, this workaround seems to allow the release to keep going.

A maintenance workflow was run at

I also tried bumping all dependencies alpine:3.10, debian:9, llvm 8 as an alternative but the error was still there and even with debug information the stack trace seems to have less information

Bonus: there seems that a lot of exceptions are been raised while the compiler is been compiled. That can be viewed at . Maybe there is something to improve there or to investigate to narrow the issue.

Somehow I couldn't reproduce the issue from Docker in OSX. And bisecting in the CI didn't offer real information to narrow it down.

RX14 commented 5 years ago

I didn't see this PR before I started updating everything to LLVM 8 and simplifying the build process in #44. Perhaps it'll fix it, who knows.

At the least, --no-debug can easilly be added after that PR is merged, but they do conflict (it's easier to fix the merge conflict if #44 is merged first).