crystal-lang / shards

Dependency manager for the Crystal language
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Option to create shard.yml interactively #542

Open dinkopehar opened 2 years ago

dinkopehar commented 2 years ago

NPM and some other package managers have the ability to generate their versions of shard.yml file based on user provided input. Similar to those package managers, when we execute shards init --interactive, it should ask user for basic input, such as package name, author name etc. The fill in provided data into the shard.yml

Where shard init can generate basic shard.yml file, maybe this option can ask for more details of everything that can go inside shard.yml, such as target, homepage, repository etc

m-o-e commented 2 years ago

Possible alternative/related:

Personally I don't see a need for interactive prompting since shard.yml is so easy to write (unlike e.g. package.json in npm).

dinkopehar commented 2 years ago

@m-o-e I agree it's a simple file to write (shard.yml). Maybe in future, if this file contained more information (all package manager files at one point contain lot of info), it would be nice to have it created interactively. On the other hand, I see some of the described keywords in man shards are missing on shard init. This is not important feature at the moment.