crystal-lang / shards

Dependency manager for the Crystal language
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Add Pijul resolver #554

Open notramo opened 2 years ago

notramo commented 2 years ago

Pijul is a distributed version control system. It's inspired by Darcs, but is written in Rust, and uses a different merge algorithm.

notramo commented 1 year ago

@straight-shoota I am interested in implementing this. Would you accept a pull request?

straight-shoota commented 1 year ago

I'm not very eager on this one. Introducing new resolver isn't a huge effort for the maintainers, if you're contributing the code. We'd still need to review and approve it. However, continuously maintaining the resolver is a more demanding task. I'm hesitant to do that for a niche feature.

Honestly, I've never heard about Pijul before. We've recently added some alternative SCM resolvers besides git, but they seem to be a lot more popular than Pijul. And even that was a big leap, considering how much baggage we might now be dragging along. I would rather wait a bit to see how things go with the latest additions, before incorporating new, even lesser used resolvers.

For the meantime, maybe you could fork shards and add a Pijul resolver in your fork. This would allow people to use it, without immediately adding a maintenance burden on the upstream project. And please direct interested parties to this issue to give it a thumbs up, so we can gauge demand for this resolver.