crystalidea / macs-fan-control

Control fans on Apple computers
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Complete hiding from menu bar #394

Open monstermac77 opened 3 years ago

monstermac77 commented 3 years ago

I just bought Pro, in-part for custom fan curves and in-part for full control of the menubar display. I like a clean menu bar with only first-party icons. It seems like it's not possible to change the Icon, Fan, and Sensor to all be "None" in the preferences.

Is there a way Mac Fan Control can be run in full daemon mode? Better Touch Tool has a good implementation of this where the window comes up when you open the application from a quitted state, or from an open state, but once you close the window the application is still always running in the background.

I understand this probably isn't very requested, so I'd be more than happy with a little terminal hack or command line arg I can start Macs Fan Control with to prevent it from displaying in the menu bar.

jankocian commented 3 years ago

Any news on this one? I'd love to keep my menu bar tidy as well! :)

schlurky commented 3 years ago

I want this feature soo badly - and it would be enough of a reason for me to buy the Pro-Version :-)

kleuter commented 3 years ago

Currently you can achieve it with Dozer

monstermac77 commented 3 years ago

Currently you can achieve it with Dozer

Fantastic tip, thank you!

roanutil commented 1 month ago

I understand that the menu bar might be required to keep the app alive but can the 'none' option be removed until it can actually be set to 'none'?