crystalidea / macs-fan-control

Control fans on Apple computers
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You do not have permission to open the application (Multiple users) #653

Closed kleuter closed 1 year ago

kleuter commented 1 year ago

To reproduce on a computer with two administrator accounts: admin_x and admin_y

  1. admin_x: Move the app to /Applications (manually or via the app itself when it asks to)
  2. Lock the screen, login to admin_y
  3. admin_y: Try to run the app
Screenshot 2022-12-06 at 12 40 51

Happens on Big Sur and later (maybe others as well).

Workaround for admin_y:

sudo chmod -R 755 /Applications/Macs\ Fan\

The command changes the permissions to read, write and execute for the User and read and execute for Group and Other.


kleuter commented 1 year ago

Another report from a customer

I updated Macs Fan Control to 1.5.14 via the "Check for Updates.." today (on a Mac OS 11.7.1 2018 mac mini [intel]) and installed the update (twice, once again after a TM restore of the previous version & after manually removing the updated helper tool - the second time done via the admin account directly) as only accessible for my Admin User (not my regular daily personal account or any other account: all of the group & other rights for all directories & files were set to --- at /Appplications/Macs Fan and below). I was able to get it functioning again via the brutal method (and installing another one of my 5 licenses for my sensor based monitor - it turned into an unregistered version 🙁 ) by modifying the rights on all files/directories to be read/execute for the group & other.... you should probably check this, anyone using a separate Admin Account for Software installs etc. will probably have the same issues after the 1.5.14 update (on Big Sur & Intel at least).

kleuter commented 1 year ago

Broken update: looks like the zip for 1.5.14 is broken, it indeed does not have access rights for the group and others

kleuter commented 1 year ago

Should be fixed now the official download