crystalidea / macs-fan-control

Control fans on Apple computers
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Fan speed control intermittenly fails to function allowing Mac to overheat and thermal throttle. #674

Closed ZurboTurbo closed 1 year ago

ZurboTurbo commented 1 year ago

I have seen this before on a few occasions but thanks to the to the logging I can show you evidence of it occurring.

Normally I run both right and left fans off of the CPU PECI sensor at custom temps of 65 and 75 which keep noise and thermals within acceptable levels.


I know on my older 2015 MBP (can only run up to Monterey) I would see this more often. Now that I’m on a never 2019 MBP that I have freshly reloaded with Ventura, I have hit this this same issue @ 17:00 hours. I was away from the machine for a bit and I do use Amphetamine to keep the machine from sleeping.

When I came back to the machine around 17:10, the machine was extremely sluggish. The fans were only chugging away at 1700/1800 RPM and the reported temp in the menu bar was only 65C.

However, After getting activity monitor to come up, I could see the CPU was pegged out excessively at over 400% usage from kernel_task (thermal throttling) and the top of the unit was hot to the touch. At 17:15:06 as per the logs, I switched the fan control to full blast and that had an immediate effect on causing the throttling to ramp down along with the thermals returning the Mac to normal use.

I can clearly see in the attached logs that I collected that sensorControl.cpp quit logging entries in the log @ 2023-03-03 17:01:09:615:

[2023-03-03 17:01:09:615] [thread 5347] [SensorControl.cpp#387] Right side: Setting fan speed to 1700

After that, it seems to have allowed the unit to run away thermally until I took action to force the fans to full speed as seen here:

[2023-03-03 17:15:06:806] [thread 5347] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F0Tg 0080af45 OK
[2023-03-03 17:15:06:806] [thread 5347] [Service.cpp#346] setFanRPM 5616 for F0Tg
[2023-03-03 17:15:06:808] [thread 5347] [] process_command_write: SMCWriteKey F1Tg 0080a245 OK
[2023-03-03 17:15:06:808] [thread 5347] [Service.cpp#346] setFanRPM 5200 for F1Tg

The screen shot it took of the app shows the CPU cores running way high while PECI is low. image

To me, it looks like the sensorControl.cpp thread goes out to lunch thus losing thermal control of the system. Resetting the fan control back to the custom settings and rebooting restores normal function. Logs attached below:

kleuter commented 1 year ago