crystalidea / macs-fan-control

Control fans on Apple computers
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Preset does not survive reboot #739

Open reetp opened 9 months ago

reetp commented 9 months ago

On an old 'iMac 12.1' currently on Ventura using 1.5.16 Pro I have noticed that the custom preset that I save never appears to survive a reboot.

It doesn't look like the plist file gets modified. Permissions look OK. No idea how to test that further - the plist file appears to be in an encrypted binary format that I can't view/convert?

john@Johns-iMac ~ % ll ~/Library/Preferences/com.crystal*
-rw-------  1 john  staff  1026 Mar  3 18:50 /Users/john/Library/Preferences/com.crystalidea.macsfancontrol.plist


kleuter commented 7 months ago

Did you try to quit the app manually and then reboot?

reetp commented 6 months ago


I expected to be able to reboot without touching anything and it to be able to remember the settings....

kleuter commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce it. Any specific steps please?

reetp commented 5 months ago

Set custom settings Screen Shot 2024-06-11 at 12 31 34

Save Screen Shot 2024-06-11 at 12 32 08

Screen Shot 2024-06-11 at 12 32 29

Screen Shot 2024-06-11 at 12 32 42


Screen Shot 2024-06-11 at 13 14 42


No idea where to look to see if the saved settings are actually there - I guess a file of some sort?

kleuter commented 5 months ago

thank you, normally they should be inside the plist.

Please post here the plist (zipped) before (with a new preset) and after the reboot (when the preset is missing).


thanks again!

kleuter commented 5 months ago

I also noticed in the tech zip that you're running macOS Monterey (not Ventura), right?

reetp commented 5 months ago

Hi, Before and after, and dir perms for reference

you're running macOS Monterey

I am an idiot.

Yes, this machine is on Monterey via opencore - old iMAc 12.1/i5. Not got round to upgrading to Ventura as yet.

My Macbook is , or was, Ventura..... Confoosed! Sorry :-(

kleuter commented 5 months ago

Thank you, there must be a bug in the app that prevents from reading the plist correctly. Please try this build and post tech info zip, it has extended log so hopefully I can locate the issue.


reetp commented 5 months ago

Thanks for that - sorry I am out and about but will test this ASAP and respond accordingly!

kleuter commented 5 months ago

Thank you, looking forward

kleuter commented 5 months ago


kleuter commented 5 months ago


reetp commented 5 months ago

Sorry I got distracted by a big router issue at work and I am now out and about until Saturday :-(

I did some brief tests and got some inconsistent results which I started documenting, but didn't finish.

Twice I managed to get double icons in the top tray, and it didn't appear to survive.

I promise I will get back to this as soon as I am back!!

reetp commented 5 months ago

OK, finally have some time!

First thing is I have seen this on a couple of reboots - double tray icon:

Screen Shot 2024-06-13 at 18 11 35

Next, I have tried several times but none of it survives a reboot :-(

Will supply any info required and happy to do some more testing. I could try upgrading to Ventura if required, but there won't be any going back!

kleuter commented 5 months ago

Please post tech info zip, it has extended log so hopefully I can locate the issue.


reetp commented 5 months ago

Try that - preset not save after reboot.


kleuter commented 5 months ago

You are running two version of the app at the same time (1.5.16 and 1.5.17). It's not correct, please use only 1.5.17.

  1. Please create a new profile, exit the app, send us com.crystalidea.macsfancontrol.plist.
  2. Reboot, start the app and create tech info, post it here as well together with com.crystalidea.macsfancontrol.plist

Thank a lot.

reetp commented 5 months ago


OK - riddle me this as I do not understand.

I had originally opened the new test app and dragged it across and upgraded as per the dialog, or so I thought? Clearly there is more going on than I can see.

I decided to start by removing the app, and then reboot, reinstall, and test.

Check the processes:

ps -e |grep -i fan
   84 ??         0:05.71 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.crystalidea.macsfancontrol.smcwrite
11658 ??         0:06.32 /Applications/Macs Fan Fan Control

Closed the tray icon.

Went to Applications and threw the app in the bin, and emptied it. Nothing apparent in applications.


ps -e |grep -i fan
   84 ??         0:05.75 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.crystalidea.macsfancontrol.smcwrite

Hmm - that's odd. Must be a hangover. A reboot will probably clear it.


Blow me if the app doesn't appear in the tray + a preset.

Version is 1.5.16

Check in Apps folder - nothing? Where is it hiding?

Seems to be in /Users/John/Applications and not /Applications

So, where should it be installed? And why the inconsistency?

I probably need another reboot to see if the preset remains or not.

I'll let you know.

kleuter commented 5 months ago

The app should be installed in /Applications only

reetp commented 4 months ago

OK and sorry for the delay. I think l finally have a handle on what happens.

If I use the downloaded zip from the website and in Finder I double click to extract I get the App in Downloads.

If I then open it from Finder I then get a pop up asking me if I want to move to the Applications folder - but that is the folder in my home directory, NOT the system Application folder.

Screen Shot 2024-07-19 at 11 08 45

Not sure how you get around that! It isn't clear that this is the wrong directory (I has no idea there were two application directories!)