crystian / ComfyUI-Crystools

A powerful set of tools for ComfyUI
MIT License
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Import Failed #4

Closed tetsuoo-online closed 7 months ago

tetsuoo-online commented 8 months ago's a classic now :/ And it's not just these scripts, it happens more and more often with some others. Last time I had this, it was some libraries missing, this time it's 'IFD' and 'PIL' I tried both manual and Manager method



crystian commented 8 months ago

let me check right now, and thanks for your feedback!

crystian commented 8 months ago

I've reinstalled with the same versions as you and can't reproduce it :(

crystian commented 8 months ago

I think is the version of Pillow (I use the same as ComfyUI), you can check the version with: pip show pillow

in my case (9.5.0):

Name: Pillow
Version: 9.5.0
Summary: Python Imaging Library (Fork)
Author: Jeffrey A. Clark (Alex)
License: HPND
crystian commented 8 months ago

I check the code of that library, and it has this class in 9.4.0, that is the problem.

you can update it with: pip install pillow==9.5.0

I recommend a clean installation, it sounds an old installation

Let me know if it works

rycon commented 8 months ago

@crystian, installing pillow 9.5.0 fixed the same issue for me.

tetsuoo-online commented 8 months ago

oh yeah it's at least 1 week old, unacceptable xD Just how many times do I need to reinstall everything, wait I know, every time I install something new in it xDDD I'm sad I need to become a Github expert to make things work, where should I update pillow, just open a CMD anywhere ? (which means it's gonna update in Python folder), or in some venv/embeded_python folder ? Or in ComfyUI-Crystools ? If I do it in general Python, Pillow is now downgraded from 10.0 to 9.5, is that alright ? Help x)

(Edit: ok the downgrade didn't fix it, guess I'll try somewhere else)

crystian commented 8 months ago

@tetsuoo-online, welcome to python world! xDD

There are lots of variables when you install your dependencies that are saved into your Venv folder so that you may have old resources in that place; when you reinstall, what does that mean? only comfyui or python or venv folder? hehe, lots of variables

Do you use a particular folder of venv for comfyui or use the same for your system?

if you use a particular one you need to activate it first and after install the dependency

I recommend using a special folder for venv with all your dependencies, I have a bat with this:

set PYTHON=e:\Workstation\Python310\python.exe
set VENV_DIR=e:\AI\SD\comfyUI\.env

%PYTHON% -m venv %VENV_DIR%
call %VENV_DIR%\Scripts\activate.bat


call %VENV_DIR%\Scripts\deactivate.bat

This recommendation is not for my extension, this is for the python ecosystem.

crystian commented 8 months ago

please update my extension @tetsuoo-online y put a requirement as minimum version

crystian commented 8 months ago

I made this gist for share my scripts of comfyUI, it may give you ideas :)

crystian commented 7 months ago

I close it for no more feedback