crytic / tealer

Static Analyzer for Teal
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Fix execution paths generated by group-size detector #160

Open S3v3ru5 opened 1 year ago

S3v3ru5 commented 1 year ago

detect_missing_tx_field_validations and search_paths already address the issues with the generation of execution paths.

group-size detector implements a function to generate execution paths. This function does not address the recently uncovered issues.

The group-size could be updated to use the detect_missing_tx_field_validations

"""Detector for finding execution paths missing GroupSize check."""

from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING
from functools import lru_cache

from tealer.detectors.abstract_detector import (
from tealer.teal.basic_blocks import BasicBlock
from tealer.teal.instructions.instructions import (
from tealer.teal.teal import Teal

from tealer.utils.algorand_constants import MAX_GROUP_SIZE
from tealer.utils.analyses import is_int_push_ins
from tealer.analyses.utils.stack_ast_builder import construct_stack_ast, UnknownStackValue
from tealer.detectors.utils import (

    from tealer.utils.output import SupportedOutput
    from tealer.teal.instructions.instructions import Instruction
    from tealer.teal.context.block_transaction_context import BlockTransactionContext

class MissingGroupSize(AbstractDetector):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
   # ...

    def _accessed_using_absolute_index(bb: BasicBlock) -> bool:
        """Return True if a instruction in bb access a field using absolute index

        a. gtxn t f, gtxna t f i, gtxnas t f,
        b. gtxns f, gtxnsa f i, gtxnsas f

        Instructions in (a) take transaction index as a immediate argument.
        Return True if bb contains any one of those instructions.

        Instructions in (b) take transaction index from the stack.
        `gtxns f` and `gtxnsa f i` take only one argument and it is the transaction index.
        `gtxnsas f` takes two arguments and transaction index is the first argument.
        Return True if the transaction index is pushed by an int instruction.
        stack_gtxns_ins: List["Instruction"] = []
        for ins in bb.instructions:
            if isinstance(ins, (Gtxn, Gtxna, Gtxnas)):
                return True
            if isinstance(ins, (Gtxns, Gtxnsa, Gtxnsas)):
        if not stack_gtxns_ins:
            return False
        ast_values = construct_stack_ast(bb)
        for ins in stack_gtxns_ins:
            index_value = ast_values[ins].args[0]
            if isinstance(index_value, UnknownStackValue):
            is_int, _ = is_int_push_ins(index_value.instruction)
            if is_int:
                return True
        return False

    def detect(self) -> "SupportedOutput":
        """Detect execution paths with missing GroupSize check.

            ExecutionPaths instance containing the list of vulnerable execution
            paths along with name, check, impact, confidence and other detector

        def checks_group_size(block_ctx: "BlockTransactionContext") -> bool:
            # return True if group-size is checked in the path
            # otherwise return False
            return MAX_GROUP_SIZE not in block_ctx.group_sizes

        paths_without_check: List[List[BasicBlock]] = detect_missing_tx_field_validations(
            self.teal.bbs[0], checks_group_size

        # paths_without_check contain all the execution paths not checking the GroupSize
        # Only report paths which also use absolute_index

        paths_to_report: List[List[BasicBlock]] = []
        for path in paths_without_check:
            for bb in path:
                if self._accessed_using_absolute_index(bb):

        description = detector_terminal_description(self)
        filename = "missing_group_size"

        results = self.generate_result(paths_to_report, description, filename)
        return results
S3v3ru5 commented 1 year ago

Above approach works as follows:

  1. Generate paths lacking group-size check
  2. Filter the result paths which uses the absolute index.

May be it's better to do the second step in the detect_missing_tx_field_validations itself for now.

Add an additional parameter to detect_missing_tx_field_validations.

 def detect_missing_tx_field_validations( 
     entry_block: "BasicBlock", checks_field: Callable[["BlockTransactionContext"], bool], satisfies_report_condition: Callable[[List["BasicBlock"], bool],
 ) -> List[List["BasicBlock"]]:

which takes a path and returns True if that path is considered vulnerable or else returns False.