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Recursion II Lab Review #122

Closed lmock closed 10 years ago

lmock commented 10 years ago

If there is anything that you see that needs fixing for the Recursion II lab this week, please leave a comment below! Thanks!

cycomachead commented 10 years ago


The Recursive Reporters: box doesn't really make any sense where it is...

cycomachead commented 10 years ago


The tip needs to link to Snap reference manual since people don't know where to find it. (Access from the Snap menu in Snap). Also, Snap should be in the snap style, and the section should be in a special font or just say 6.C since roman numerals look odd..

cycomachead commented 10 years ago

The quiz looks funky here: http://bjc.eecs.berkeley.edu/bjc-r/cur/programming/recursion/recursive-reporters/recursively-sorting.html?topic=berkeley_bjc/recur/recursive-reporters.topic&step=7&novideo=true&noreading=true&course=berkeley_bjc.html

And it should probably be a quiz...

ibirnam commented 10 years ago


piglatin solution should be the following: screen shot 2013-10-28 at 3 21 14 pm

ibirnam commented 10 years ago

This lab is way too long. This should be split up into 2 different labs.

Also, I found the menu question to be very difficult for students to grasp (it was tough for me as well). May consider simplifying it?

Also, it would be nice to have solutions for all problems of this lab, so that students can see a working example if they can't get it.