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13. The Internet (LA Review - Sp15) #524

Open lmock opened 9 years ago

lmock commented 9 years ago
Your Name:

Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. Was this lab good or bad? Too fast? Too Slow? Does it need something new?

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- [ ] Page Link:
      Type of Issue: i.e. (code) bug, grammar, typo, lack of clarity, etc
      Severity: i.e. "prevents students from continuing", "minor inconvenience", etc
      Comments: Description of the problem, what can be done to fix it, etc.
- [ ] Page Link:
      Type of Issue: i.e. (code) bug, grammar, typo, lack of clarity, etc
      Severity: i.e. "prevents students from continuing", "minor inconvenience", etc
      Comments: Description of the problem, what can be done to fix it, etc.

Summary of lab assistant comments:

(strikethroughs in the comments imply that I've added the comment to this summary section, not necessarily that it has been resolved)

sayabe commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Satoko Ayabe

Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. I think that this lab is very short compared to the previous labs (recursion/lists had a pretty heavy workload). I think it would be nice if there was a way to divide up the material more evenly? (this is just a suggestion). Or maybe this wouldn't really matter because students can use the remaining time to catch up on other labs they haven't finished from before.

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Justin-Kim72 commented 9 years ago

Name: Justin Kim Overview of the lab comments: The lab is very nice. Not a lot of coding, so I'm assuming that the lab check off questions deal with showing the person that checks the student off that how you do the Linux commands. Other than that, a suggestion was made to split up the material evenly. I think the lab is fine the way it is. I don't see the significance of the these command, so maybe more of a why you would use these commands. Other than that, nice lab. I think there should a couple of those self answer questions with this lab. That would be nice. All the links were working just fine.

anushasyed commented 9 years ago

Anusha Syed

Overview of lab comments: This is a really fun lab and I think it is perfect that it follows the recursion labs (which were definitely on the challenging side). Since it is a pretty short lab, I think it would be nice to have some quiz questions throughout about the commands. Other than that, I think it looks good!

18epedersen commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Emily Pedersen

Overview of Lab Comments: I really enjoy this lab! It's a great and easy to understand introduction to the Internet! I think the students will especially enjoy seeing all the different nodes the internet takes to reach its destination. In addition, I think it would be good for the lab to introduce other aspects of the Internet such as VPNS, proxies, firewall, and the different network layers as well.

nzoghb commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Nicolas Zoghb

Overview of Lab Comments: A short and fun lab that could be expanded on. I remember finishing this lab in record time. Maybe a few additional sections could be added to show the student the full potential of the Internet and some of its dangers too.

--- For each specific Issue (Copy this section as many times as necessary) --- - [ ] Page Link: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs10/labs/cur/programming/internet/telnet.html?topic=berkeley_bjc%2Fareas%2Finternet.topic&novideo&noreading&noassingment&course=cs10_sp15.html       ~~Type of Issue: possibility for more info       Severity: nothing major       Comments: while describing how browsers work is nice, an explanation of what the Internet actually is would be very educational. Is it tangible? How does it work? I know some of these questions are addressed in lecture, but reinforcing these concepts in lab wouldn't hurt.~~

mikomwang commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Michael Wang

Overview of Lab Comments: Personally, this is the beginning of some of the most interesting topics we cover this year and will prepare them well for the first few labs in cs61a! Most of the students have probably heard of downloading speed or ping, but not used in the actual computer science context, so this lab can be clarifying and enlightening. Though this lab is good, it's a little short. Perhaps additional exercises, like lab 0 in cs61a, can be emulated, where the students practice with the terminal to create folders and move files around without dragging them manually.

mayaah commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Maya Angelica Hernandez

Overview of Lab Comments: A good lab as a break from all the previous, long, rigorous labs. Ties into lecture well.

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Page Link: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs10/labs/cur/programming/internet/introshell.html?topic=berkeley_bjc%2Fareas%2Finternet.topic&course=cs10_sp15.html&novideo&noreading&noassignment       Type of Issue: html       Severity: very minor       Comments: Fix the image so that when clicked opens a new tab/window? I accidentally closed out of the video window and had to go back to the labs page to retrieve the lab. This isn't very important, just a time saver in case someone makes the same mistake I did. Page Link: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs10/labs/cur/programming/internet/trace.html?topic=berkeley_bjc%2Fareas%2Finternet.topic&course=cs10_sp15.html&novideo&noreading&noassignment       Type of Issue: lack of clarity       Severity: minor       Comments: Put in a short definition of what latency is. Especially since they have to answer a question on it, even though latency has its own half page later on in the lab.

thorsoch commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Charles Thorson

Overview of Lab Comments: The lab is fun and is a nice break from all the coding. Though, I felt that since it covers so many topics quickly and the students have such small exposure to this stuff before hand, sometimes it ends up with a lot of it just glossing over their heads. I really believe that the online privacy lesson at the end is very important, as this is one thing that will be important to anyone regardless of their future.

susanshen96 commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Susan Shen

Overview of Lab Comments: This was a pretty interesting lab although it was a little hard to understand when my partner and I first tackled it. I found the privacy and metadata section to be most useful in understanding the complexity of the Internet. However, the main issue I had was that the content was not entirely related to the nuances of coding in Snap!, a reason which may cause students to plow through the lab as quickly as possible in order “to get it over with”.

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amy97 commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Amy Vatcha

Overview of Lab Comments: This lab was a good change from the previous ones. It is well-paced and does not overwhelm students. However, it is filled with a ton of reading and each page contains 2-3 definitions resulting a very theoretical approach to the concept. Although the Google doc and additional links on the last couple of pages give students a chance to try applying the concepts they learnt in lab, it is highly concentrated at the end of the lab instead of being spread out evenly throughout the lab.

bitofbreeze commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Florin-James Langer

Overview of Lab Comments: Very good lab. I really liked all the hands-on try it yourself things. I really have no issues on this lab.

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ilinabg commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Ilina Bhaya-Grossman

Overview of Lab Comments: I like this lab a lot just because it gets students out of snap and on to more real environments, etc. However, I felt like some of the questions were a bit confusing to answer especially since the slides were not super explicit with information. I especially liked the privacy section because I feel like it tells a lot about social implications of technology that are not always talked about (and even if it is in lecture it's still nice to have hands on exposure to it).

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keehansullivan commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Sean Sullivan

Overview of Lab Comments: Easy lab, interesting and informative to those that want to know more about the topic. It offers a decent amount of information and skills that can be used outside of class. I remember when I did this lab and I actually ended up showing my friends what I learned. Great lab!

mfujimoto commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Mason Fujimoto

Overview of Lab Comments: An interesting lab and one which directly reflects lecture. I anticipate some minor difficulties with those who wish to work on their own computers, however the tutorials on the first page are adequate.

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I don't know yet if later labs use the Linux shell in the way the video describes as that may justify keeping the video in. Another suggestion would be to have everyone watch the video at once in the front of the lab to avoid issues with speakers and to be able to address questions to the whole group or possibly to replace the video with a short live demonstration up front.

xmhjch commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Jiachen Hu

Overview of Lab Comments: This is a relative easy lab comparing to the labs before. The concepts, however, were very important. The lab did a great job in introducing the techniques that are very useful even outside the classroom. However there might be one problem, when people are all watching the videos at the same time, especially the six minute history introduction, the sound may be mixed up and get quite annoying. Overall, great lab.

papratt commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Paige Pratt

Overview of Lab Comments: The lab is very interesting but can be hard to conceptualize. The lab does a pretty good job of explaining things. The main problem I had was some of the activities didn't necessarily explain how to use them for different computers so using my Windows computer I could not complete some things.

morganewing commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Morgan Ewing

Overview of Lab Comments: This is one of my favorite labs because it starts to introduce students to new applications and techniques which they can use in their everyday lives. I think that it is pretty straightforward and I would guess that the main source of confusion in this lab may come from the student typing something incorrectly. This should be a lab that students can complete with more ease than the last few labs. I especially like the information about privacy on the last slide because it is likely the most pertinent to the lives of students and gives the students ways to see their own information footprint (which is always interesting and maybe even scary).

megancarey commented 9 years ago

Megan Carey

Overview of Lab Comments: I think this lab is a fun change of pace from the usual Snap! labs. However, I think that a little bit more information in some places might make a lot of things clearer.

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KamikazeTomato commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Henry Chung

Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. Was this lab good or bad? Too fast? Too Slow? Does it need something new?

The lab is an interesting one to say the least. It does however, depart quite rapidly from the other labs without any kind of preamble. A little foreword in which the lab informs the student that this lab will be departing from SNAP but will be using concepts they have learned and familiarized themselves with might be handy.

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The Questions should follow the "whois". They have no means of knowing the geographical position of nodes without that command.

eurieoh commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Eurie Oh

Overview of Lab Comments: I thought that this was a pretty straightforward lab that went well with the previous day's lecture. The videos, however, can't always be played on every browser because they don't all have flash downloaded, so a reminder to the students might be helpful if they want to watch them. Also, it might also be nice to include more visually appealing images/excerpts. The lab, although short, has much less images than the other labs and I think by at least framing the example texts might help make the information pop out better.

JaysanM commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Jaysan Maolinbay

Overview of Lab Comments: This lab is a nice break from actual coding. It gives students a different point of view of the internet from what they were previously accustomed to. I'm assuming the lecture before this lab will familiarize students with some terms and concepts, otherwise it could get confusing. Beside that I didn't see any major issues with the lab. I'm a big fan of the footprint/privacy page, I think it is intriguing to see how much information can be released through social media.

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carolinekim commented 9 years ago

Caroline Kim

Overview of Lab Comments: The lab is generally straightforward. It provides a lot of information and practice for the different structures of the internet. It does seem like a lot of information is given, so making clear of the parts that the students should know seems to be needed. Otherwise, the lab provides a general overview of the structures of the Internet.

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meghnac commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Meghna Chatterjee

Overview of Lab Comments: This lab is very useful and informative in explaining just what goes on when we make requests on the internet. The tools learned through the lab are important as they are often used in other classes and even for internships. It's great to have this material be introduced to the students already. However, I did this lab on one of the lab machines, and I was unable to play the videos. I'm not sure if that might have just been the machine I was using, but this is something to keep in mind (maybe a summary of what's in the video for those who are unable to watch).

benlsmith commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Benjamin Smith

Overview of Lab Comments: This lab is very fun and a nice change of pace. It seems to be pretty easy and i remember finishing it very fast. It seems to be all introduced very fast and not reiterated in later labs though, which led to me forgetting most of the information brought up in this lab. However, the tools used here i quickly remembered and they definitely help with understanding the internet a bit better.

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Page Link: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs10/labs/cur/programming/internet/trace.html?topic=berkeley_bjc%2Fareas%2Finternet.topic&course=cs10_sp15.html&novideo&noreading&noassignment      Type of Issue: lack of clarity       Severity:Minor inconvenience       Comments: When addressing nodes, It doesn't exactly state what it means to not completely trace the route and it uses ***. This could be confusing and a little more explanation would be helpful to fully understand this.

frankyguerrero commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Rocio Guerrero

Overview of Lab Comments: This was a good lab as it was very informative and easy to understand. Explanations for syntax and usage, as well as examples, were very clear and straightforward. I remember doing this lab when I took CS 10 last fall and I could easily follow the given procedures. The pictures of how the terminal is supposed to look like were also really helpful. I think this lab is of a good level of difficulty and is clear enough for a student to do on his/her own. However, I think the last page on privacy is pretty random, but still useful and very much related to what the students are currently learning so it's fine.

Hungukaroo commented 9 years ago

Elizabeth Steger:

Overview: I think this lab does a good job of showing the students a bunch of interesting internet concepts, both broad and specific, without being too hectic. Everything is well explained, there are helpful links to definitions and examples everywhere, and there's a lot of fun you can have with this lab, too. The end on privacy is awesome and eyeopening; it always seems to start great discussions. The lab does kind of have a feel of jumping around topics, but I think each individual page works, and it shouldn't be confusing for the students because of this.

Page Link: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs10/labs/cur/programming/internet/telnet.html?topic=berkeley_bjc%2Fareas%2Finternet.topic&novideo&noreading&noassingment&course=cs10_sp15.html Type of Issue: Distraction Severity: Minor Comments: The Star Wars telnet example is awesome, and I always rewatch a good amount of it every semester, but the problem is that students do the same, and even with the warning there are always those who keep it up in the background and it is definitely distracting. I think it would be a good thing to include at the very end of the lab as a treat, maybe less students will see it, but I think more will go farther in the lab. I understand wanting to keep it with the telnet page and having something fun in the middle of the lab, but it's a little too much fun.

Page Link: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs10/labs/cur/programming/internet/introprivacy.html?topic=berkeley_bjc%2Fareas%2Finternet.topic&novideo&noreading&noassingment&course=cs10_sp15.html Type of Issue: Broken Link? Severity: Minor (as it's only an extra thing to check out) Comments: The Panopticlick link doesn't work on my computer, which is really weird considering it looks like it's trying to send me to http://panopticlick.eff.org, which works when I copy it directly. Might just be a problem on my machine but maybe something to check on.

soham14 commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Soham Kudtarkar

Overview of Lab Comments: I liked the fact that this lab didn’t require as much thinking as some of the previous labs do as this is the first lab after spring break; it is a good transition back into the routine of labs and school work. Although there was a lot of information to process, I feel that it was all digestible and engaging. I also found the discussion questions to be helpful to my understanding of the lab. Overall, this was a very well-written lab!

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MaazUddin11 commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Maaz Uddin

Overview of Lab Comments: I found this to be one of the most interesting labs we have done. The fact that students can learn a lot about the internet and the different aspects about it is not just good, but important since a lot of the topics from the lab are things people talk about quite often when dealing with TV providers, online gaming, telephone lines etc. Overall the lab was rather fun and concise, and it educates the students with some very important lessons.

P.S. The Star Wars movie in the telnet page is a really nice touch. I think including some kind of link to how that was made would be really nice too.

JiazhenChen commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Jiazhen Chen

Overview of Lab Comments: This lab is a pretty interesting and relaxing one. Students don't need to do programing (which is great for them). It gives a pretty good overview of Internet. It talks about both the advantage and disadvantage. One thing that surprised me most when taking CS10 is about the net privacy problem. And I'm glad to see that you add this part into the lab this term. There's one more thing I think you can add to the lab is the structure of the Internet, also about ideas like LAN and WAN and so on.

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jesslarson commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Jessica Larson

Overview of Lab Comments: I really liked this lab, I wish there were more labs where students could learn real world things/ things that they will use in other classes, like the shell!!

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janicechui commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Janice Chui

Overview of Lab Comments: This lab provides a great overview of the internet to the students. The lab clearly explains the four parts of the internet, briefing the structure of the internet. The student can interactively test things out to reinforce their learning. However, I think the lab is a little verbose and can be more concise and shorter.

seunghalee commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Seungha Lee

Overview of Lab Comments: This lab was very interesting. Although it was short, there were a lot of new terms and concepts introduced. Overall, the lab wasn't hard to follow since there was no coding, but understanding exactly what each input does/ the purpose of each function was not always clear. I think it might be helpful to go over the big concepts together since I find it easy to get lost in long explanations.

KimiaG commented 9 years ago

Kimia Ghodoosian

Overview of Lab Comments: This lab was both interesting and also a source of paranoia that will probably follow me for the rest of my life. On the bright side, for students in this class that never program another day after the semester ends, they will (hopefully) take away from this class a better awareness of how to protect themselves online. In terms of how this lab should be run, I think it would be interesting to consider alternative ways of running lab. I'm imagining a lab/discussion hybrid where the TA guides students through complicated explanations while the students execute the commands in their own groups. Since this isn't necessarily a lab that requires programming skill, students don't have to pace themselves individually and having a TA handle explanations would help students avoid getting caught up in the programming jargon.

msilva926 commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Melanie Silva

Overview of Lab Comments: fun, memorable, and well written lab! The time it takes to complete the lab is not too long.

Stantlers commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Stanley Ho Overview of Lab Comments: Decent lab, lots of reading. It's harder to follow along and as a windows, struggle a bit more to do all the command prompts, for example telnet. Maybe if you added a place where I can download the ability to use telnet on that page, it'd be smoother.

Laralinmcc commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Lara McConnaughey

Overview of Lab Comments: i.e. This Lab does a good job of explaining various parts of the internet, but it doesn't show how these parts relate to each other. Every page in the lab has a different concept and it seems a bit jumpy like the last two pages that go from latency and throughput to Privacy. I think that there can more relationship shown between the terminal commands explored in the beginning and the concepts later in the lab like privacy. A suggestion would be what can people do with your IP address or what can people do by knowing which nodes a request goes through

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cynthiaha commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Cynthia Ha

Overview of Lab Comments: Quite an interesting and informative lab. A good break from the previous challenging labs that required more coding. The lab in general is quite clear and I like the interactive parts of it.

However, some pages are clustered with text and so may be hard to follow. It may be helpful to put summaries or key definitions at the end of each page to highlight the key takeaways from each page. Also, instead of having just the questions on each page, it may be more helpful to have the quiz format (from previous labs) where students can input their answer and check if it is right.

Rshahatit commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Rami Shahatit

Overview of Lab Comments: I liked reviewing this lab. In CS 61A we don't really talk about this kind of stuff. it was nice to learn about it last semester and I think the students will enjoy and appreciate learning about it this semester. I found that the internet is very complex and we are just attempting to describe certain aspects of the internet that pertain to this course. Honestly though, the fact that I have not used any of this may be an indication that we should make this lab about unix commands rather than the internet. I feel like unless we are to go in-depth we are just giving the students information that they will not really need.

All the pages look good. I read a couple of the previous reviews and they caught the same things I noticed.

chnicoloso commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Christian Lista-Nicoloso

Overview of Lab Comments: I love this lab. It teaches a lot about how networks work and I remember that when I did it as a student I felt really cool typing things into the terminal and interpreting the output. Feeling cool while doing a lab is always a plus.

I think the explanations are really good and easy to follow. The lab guides you when it needs to but also steps out and lets the student play around. Also, I appreciate that the lab is short so the student has more time to actually experiment with the terminal, requesting "whois"s, throwing pings, etc. Other longer labs have the unwanted effect of making the student hurry through the exercises and in many cases only doing the problems that are required to get checked off. This lab is not the case. I think students will genuinely be interested and want to experiment and ask questions.

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danielduazo commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Daniel Duazo

Overview of Lab Comments: I feel like this lab might come off as dull and boring to some students. I feel like the reaction that some students will have after trying out the things is "Ok that's cool, I guess". I also think there are too many "Try this out and see what you think", but I can't think of any other way to do the lab exercises. However, the lab is actually very informative and can pique interest in those who are engaged and find this lab interesting. It educates the students on how connections, nodes, and the Internet in general functions.

robrodz commented 9 years ago

Your Name: Robert Rodriguez

Overview of Lab Comments: Really enjoyable lab that provides a nice break from coding and thought-intensive activities but also provides a nice introduction to using the terminal. As one of the comments mentioned earlier, the instructions are fairly text heavy. It would be nice if there were relevant pictures or even just screenshots of commands being typed into the terminal to break up some of the paragraphs.

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michen-ml commented 9 years ago

Michelle Chen

Overview of Lab Comments: The lab was a good break from the snap-oriented labs from before. Overall, it's pretty clear about the different aspects of the internet. However, the beginning of the lab was very jargon heavy, so it might freak out students. It gets a lot easier to understand after the first 2 pages. Videos might be a little time consuming though.

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siyingwang commented 9 years ago

Siying Wang

Overview of Lab Comments: It is a basic lab for students to know the information of internet. Overall, it's clear to show the different aspects of the internet.

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Page Link: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs10/labs/cur/programming/internet/trace.html?topic=berkeley_bjc%2Fareas%2Finternet.topic&course=cs10_sp15.html&novideo&noreading&noassignment     Type of Issue: the testing of trace-route sometimes cost so much time for it to run.      Severity: minor inconvenience       Comments: Probably tell students how to stop the code will be better