Closed GMA5566 closed 3 years ago
Proposal: an App that allows customers to choose which staff and service they tip at a restaurant instead of just tipping in general. Description: Currently when a customer tips they have no way of letting the restaurant know which part of the service deserves the tip. This app allows the customer to voice who deserves the tip.
Proposal: an App that splits receipts anonymously. Description: a lightweight app that calculates the total bills in a trip (potentially include multiple bills) one person owes to others in the group without storing users' personal information.
Proposal: a note-taking app that integrates handwriting and markdown. Description: a note-taking app that utilizes Apple’s pencil scribble API and Markdown to enable a better note-taking environment for handwritten notes.
Proposal: Linux playground on iOS Description: iOS version of Zijian (Jack) Zhao’s open-source project Linux Playground ( with the integration of GUI.
Proposal: an App that automatically turns on a routine alarm clock after it is turned off for the designated period. Description: when the user turns off a routine alarm clock, the app asks whether the user wants to turn it off for one day, for a week, or forever. Then it automatically turns back on after that designated period so that there is no need for the user to remember turning it on himself. (e.g. a user has an alarm clock that wakes him up at 8:00 AM everyday. But he worked up late today, so he wants to turn the alarm clock off for tomorrow so that he could use more sleep. But oftentimes the user forgets to turn it back on. With this automatically turn-back-on feature, the user is hassle-free)
Proposal: an App that automatically sends good wishes to acquaintances on their special days. Description: automatically sends pre-written messages to acquaintances on their birthdays and holidays in the form of text messages or emails so that users do not need to worry about social awkwardness when someone they are not quite familiar with sends them birthday wishes on their birthdays but the users forget to send back wishes on this person's birthday.
Proposal: Carpool Auto Arrangement (App) Description: This app helps group leaders quickly organize a trip by inputting drivers/passengers geo info and final destination. The app gets distance information from Google Map API, then calculates weights between each person, finally outputs a carpool strategy for drivers to pick up passengers in the shortest path.
We store all our brainstorm ideas under this "Proposals" issue.