cs150bf / ever-notedown

Atom Editor Plugin
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Sync Problem (Evernote->EVND): undefined #100

Open HuangKY opened 7 years ago

HuangKY commented 7 years ago

EVND->Evernote : It worked successfully. Evernote->EVND: No error Message, but the format is unreadable.

For example:


First I type this in ATOM :

- [ ] item1

Then I used "TO Evernote", everything worked fine. The markdown format is showed successfully in Evernote, like this:


However, when I make some change in Evernote, then Pull from Evernote, everything changed terribly. Say I make this change in Evernote:

Then Pull from Evernote, it will look like this:

-----in ATOM EVND markdown-----

![undefined]( "Optional title") item1

![undefined]( "Optional title") item2

-----in ATOM EVND markdown Preview-----

undefined item1

undefined item2

Is there any settings I can change ? Please help me to solve this problem.