cs150bf / ever-notedown

Atom Editor Plugin
MIT License
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EVND broken after update to Atom Editor 1.2.0 #23

Closed 7k50 closed 8 years ago

7k50 commented 8 years ago

Some installed packages could not be loaded because they contain native modules that were compiled for an earlier version of Atom

I'm having this error since updating to Atom 1.2.0 yesterday. I'm assuming that this issue affects all users of EVND. But since I happened to do a clean reinstall of Homebrew/Git on my computer yesterday and this coincided with that, I thought it was best to post an issue to make sure the fault is not on my side.

Rebuilding the package in Atom does not work and gives a long traceback which could not be copied from the editor.


ZhiyuZhang commented 8 years ago

Just started to use EVND, and I got the same issue when I update Atom to 1.2.0 today.

rdhyee commented 8 years ago

Same here. The error looks a lot like what was reported in https://github.com/cs150bf/ever-notedown/issues/20. The plugin worked in Atom 1.1 (as reported by others) and stopped working with the upgrade to 1.2. I reinstalled Atom 1.1 in hopes of being able to stick with that version, but Atom auto-updated. (I know of no way to keep Atom from auto-updating.)

Here's the error message I got when running apm install ever-notedown for Atom 1.2: https://gist.github.com/rdhyee/7a94d620e3be9ad2d87c. (I'm running on OS X 10.9.5. Any hope if I upgrade to a newer OS X version?)

cs150bf commented 8 years ago

Thanks for reporting the problem. I hope the new patch works for now, you probably need to do a few things after upgrading the package, though:

  1. Close Atom
  2. $ cd ~/.atom/packages/ever-notedown
  3. $ apm clean
  4. $ apm install
  5. Restart Atom
rdhyee commented 8 years ago

@cs150bf EVND 0.2.14 is working for me so far. I was able to hit the upgrade button in Packages panel. Thanks again for your awesome plugin (and your fix!)

7k50 commented 8 years ago

For some reason, index.json in my symlinked EVND Dropbox folder was nullified to zero bytes with the update (I think).

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'jsonOBJ' of null


Luckily I had a backup of the contents and reinstated them. EVND now works. Thanks!

cs150bf commented 8 years ago

@winterflags That doesn't sound good... I cannot think of how updating the package would have any effect on the contents in the evnd folder, though. As a side note, you can use git to restore contents in the evnd folder to a previous timestamp, index.json and note files (markdown, enml, etc.) included.

I'll close this issue for now unless people are still experiencing this problem. Thanks guys for reporting!